(I can't get photo links to work yet :/) Name: Sion Valoran, The Hell Reaver Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Kantle ![Sion when he is fully armored](http://[URL=http://s30.photobucket.com/user/bioblade315/media/339556_zpsab729a7c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c328/bioblade315/339556_zpsab729a7c.jpg[/IMG][/URL] "enter image title here") ![Advisor's attire](http://[URL=http://s30.photobucket.com/user/bioblade315/media/Kiluthin_zpsfe7030ea.jpg.html][IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c328/bioblade315/Kiluthin_zpsfe7030ea.jpg[/IMG][/URL] "enter image title here") Bio: Sion was born and raised in Kantle, as blood thirsty and cutthroat as every other denizen. He was raised as a fighter, and was perfectly willing to lie, cheat, kill, and steal his way to the top after his military service. His skill with a blade has had him pulled out early from his career as a soldier and in the King’s Court, as a Royal Guardsman he stands by the King wherever he may be, either in his intimidating plated armor, or in his royal garments, sleek black and crimson attire and his twin blades, both hand forged by him, dangle at his waist in either outfit. His life was great. Until he was sandbagged by the King’s Counselor, labeling him a liar and a traitor to Kantle. As a challenge to prove his loyalty, he was forced to kill his father in front of his family, which though they did not know, had abused him. SO killing him was more so a pleasure than a punishment, after which he had turned on the Counselor, and ran a sword through his heart. Which left many a man with a gaping jaw as Sion laughed joyously and yelled aloud for all to hear: “This is what happens to cowards!!” He pointed the bloody blade to all the people near, even the King. “I hope our leader keeps his courage…” This made the King furious no doubt, but what could he do? Sion was one of his best fighters. Killing him would be a loss no matter the way one put in context. So Sion wormed his way about the court till about today, where he has decided to search for the legendary Sapphire, for when he does, he shall take the throne and rule. This current King was weak, and he shall prove himself superior with that jewel as he also wrenches the Ruby of Kantle from his leader’s cold dead hands. A second reason why Sion has been kept alive, is that he is the only one to survive Alk’endune and live. Also leaving a huge gash in the side of the beast. His skill of tongue and blade has made him a feared and hated man. As he went from Royal Guard, to one of the King’s most trusted military advisors.He has a hand in most of the King’s activities, besides the hunting of a rogue knight, Drusus. Truth be told the King views him as little besides a peon, if he wanted him dead, Sion would be the one he would face. The rumor of the Sapphire now running rampant, Sion and the King have tried to contain them with tricks, but soon one of them would have to move on it, and Sion was the only one to venture into No Man’s Land and come out alive as far as the King knew. Other: Whilst a bloodthirsty sadist, Sion is no fool, and appealing to primal urges shall rarely get the better of this crafty warrior. Also was one of the warriors who razed villages during the Day of Night.