Good question! One I'm happy to answer, both for you and for garnering further interest! :P Right, so. The Templar's of old were a highly religious group, fighting for god, yadda yadda whathaveyou. The New Templars aren't going to be an extremely religious group, but they will be exceedingly traditional, at least the elite knights will be. Each Knight of the New Templars will be extensively trained not only in hand to hand, stealth, marksmanship, and engineering, but also have heavy training in -Swordplay-! That's right. We'll be using bloody broadswords if people get too close! Longswords. Greatswords. Shortswords. Take your pick, they'll be trained with multiple blade choices. As will the Beacon's of the Free Men, specifically to combat the Grand Knights skills. The Beacon's are much less traditional, and fight as anarchist special forces should... Freely, with the best possible ways to win, even if it means breaking the rules. The Grand Knights will do the same, but they will also be steeped in tradition, ritual, and will generally have the mindsets of genuine knights- Simply lacking the religious parts. Honor, upholding the peace, protecting the innocent. Everything needed to give them a deep seated hate for anarchy, making all the more reason for the special forces groups to have personal rivalries alongside being on different ends of a war. The Sigil of the Grand Knights -will-, however, be a cross. The Beacon's sigil will be a simple red triangle, downward facing.