**Sol** "So be it. The end shall come for every last Terran." The first barrage took out a few scattered Iscandarian Frigates, but they were much more determined then that. To weather the tide of coming Terran Fighters the Iscandarian's own stealth fighters and bombers deployed, immediately going invisible only to reappear later, with the fighters firing plasma cannons and the bombers unleashing antimatter bombs upon the Terrans. The next action was swift, as the fleet moved into position and unleashed a huge storm of antimatter missiles upon the Terrans. The Dreadnoughts and Battleships formed a huge line, as their weapons began charging. The frigates and cruisers came to the front and immediately began unleashing plasma, rail-guns, other explosives, and of course magical lasers. They seemed intent on defeating the Terrans, pushing their fleet further into Sol, destroying any defenses along the way. The Dreadnoughts and Battleships then unleashed their own weapons, adding onto the intense storm already coming to the Terrans. While the battle raged a ship came up, the E.U.V _Starfire_, Emily's ship that had come with the Defenders of Harmony to Sol, joined the battle on the side of the Terrans. It positioned it self near the civilians, using it's weapons to take out projectiles coming at the civilian ships. "We shall fight along side you! For the revolution!" While the Iscandarians on-board knew there was no revolution, they were merely playing the part that Fergus had given them. **Defender of Harmony's Space Station above Sol** As the Defenders of Harmony and Wings of Gliese watched the battle raging on ahead they gathered and prepared weapons and armor. Fairlan, Robert, the Human version of Emily, and the crystal that Robert has said contained the remnants of a former goddess also joined, the three had also introduced themselves to Fergus. Lahnha approached Fergus, carrying a set of armor he had not seen in a long time. It was a set she had given to Fergus when she began training the Wings of Gliese, and then had taken with her when she left. "Its your old armor Fergus. Basil and the rest of the mages managed to scry the location of the other Seed of Harmony, with the Eternal Empire distracted s they now call themselves we can seize it. From there we head straight to the Golden Fortress to purify Faust. It will not be a easy fight, but will you join us?" asked Lahnha, as Fairlan, Emily, and Robert stood behind her. ((Please do something with your characters Key.))