Tori was always happier outside, and often was quite content to even sleep outside, which Kalinda was happy to indulge, having been on the streets for most of her life. She had found Tori on the streets as well, and yet Tori had been happy living on the streets. Tori spun about, making Kalinda smile. The young girl was often just that, a young girl. And Kalinda was often happy to indulge that, wanting Tori to be happy, to be a child, even if she was a weapon. When Tori pulled her into the spinning, Kalinda let her. They moved smoothly from the spin into a fighting move, Tori turning into her weapon form, kalinda gripping her handle, and slashing through the air. They worked together smoothly, gracefully, as Kalinda went through some moves. _"I think there's a duel going on"_ Tori said after a few moments _"should we go see?"_ Kalinda held out her hand, Tori changing back, and together, they walked towards the duel