Name: Hrolken Age: Middle aged for a human- he doesn't know or care. Gender: Male Race: Human - Glamhoth Appearance: He's a tall guy. He's like a Nord from Skyrim- tall, powerfully built, stout and thick, with thick, long hair. ![]( Personality: Surprisingly clever for a "barbarian," Hrolken is a fiercely loyal soldier who wishes for the good of all humanity. Even if he doesn't necessarily like someone, he'll still probably try to save them at the cost of his own well-being, though when his vision turns red, he won't be conscious enough to do so. He like being friendly, and talking with those around him- he has a curiosity about the world that one might not usually expect from a bandit or caravan guard. Overall, he's friendly and curious, determined to help anyone whom he calls a friend or a possible one, but is quick to anger and prone to violence, as his abilities might suggest. Character type and traits: Beserker- loves to fight! -[Pos] Friendly, open -[Pos] Loyal/protective to those who haven't crossed him -[Neg] Quick to anger, short tempered- can't take a joke unless from someone he knows -[Neg] A skeptic- he's clever, but when presented with a theory and evidence that goes against common knowledge, he's unlikely to help, unless it's a friend and he's loyal to them. New tactics would have to be brought to his attention by someone he trusts. History: Coming from a bandit clan, born and raised, Hrolken didn't have much time or need to learn how to be nice- and yet he was the nicest one in the clan. His people burned and pillaged, and he would join along too, when he was old enough. A natural swordsman, and a natural beserker, he quickly took to the longsword and shield, though his gear was stolen and not always in the best repair. At the time, Hrolken shrugged it off as simple circumstance- as he grew, and became older, he found few and fewer willing to spar with him, or duel with him. Everyone he faced usually died- if they didn't fall when he wasn't angry, then they were torn to pieces when his vision reddened. But as time wore on, and still there was a small trickle of duels, he began refusing, saying that killing people just to prove you're better is a horrible way to do so. As his ways became more and more like that of an honest warrior, the leaders of the clan became worried. Over time, their success had began to fall away, leaving them with more trouble than success, and the feared that Hrolken might turn on them and kill them all. Most of their clan were recruits- the older ones had sensed times changing, and left to go on their own. Hrolken wasn't particularly smart enough to notice- he just smashed stuff. But then it clicked one day, when attacking a caravan. These people didn't do anything- they did nothing but be at the wrong place. When he turned on his own clan, they didn't even realize he was attacking them before half of them were slain. The rest fled, or tried to take him down, and failed miserably to his inborn talent, and his beserker rage. After the battle, the people he had saved skirted away- a great barbarian, it seemed, until they realized he disarmed himself, and held himself before him. Instead of killing him, they took him in- he had the chance to kill them and take everything. If he wanted it all, he could've taken it. He wouldn't harm them again. They took him in as a strange sort of adopted son, and he became their guardian. They found more success than the bandit clan- he fought off other weaker bandits, guarded the caravan, and kept them and their goods safe. As their prosperity flowed in, they armed him in better and better equipment. When they got caught on the edges of the human lands by a monster ambush, Hrolken was the only one that remained alive- his family lay dead, and after paying his respects and burning them, he left. He found the army, he found the holding point, and joined them. Equipment: -Gypsy-smithed Longsword, as shown in the picture above -Gypsy-smithed steelplate armor, as shown above -Gypsy-smithed steel shield, as shown above -Bread and Cheese wrapped in bread stuffed in a pocket. -A gold necklace with a silver pendent, like so: -A healing potion- rare and expensive, but he has one. Other: (Anything else?) WIP