Celest yawned and streched her legs flexing her paws a bit, 'Did i fall asleep in the forest again?' She wondered and looked around she sniffed the air, and caught the scent of a fellow wolf from her pack and howled calling out to it, she also caught the scent of something else and growled a bit, then ignored it. Celest began to trot to a clearing, that was normally where the pcak met and discussed things. there was a den not too far from here where they slept together sometimes. Celest stood firm and awaited the others, surely they had heard her loud howl, but if not she howled again but this time it sounded very impatient. SHe was a fair alpha but always no matter what the circomstances she demanded respect and loyalty, But also she could be fun and goofy.. It is confusing to her sometimes because she wants to be a leader whom is loved and respected not feared.