[b]Name:[/b] John Harley [b]Age[/b]: 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Class[/b]: Summoner [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/179/e/b/character____kouki_by_pikangie-d37vtg7.jpg]Click here[/url] [b]History[/b]: His entire life John was able to easily befriend non-hostile Ex-Beasts. Because of this his parents had him tested for magic. The tests confirmed what they had suspected, he was a Summoner. Wanting to nurture his gis gift his parents bought him tons of books about mythological creatures. When he was twelve he found a small injured feline Ex-Beast, actually a Cactus-kitten. Not knowing what else to do he brought it to the nearest vet who managed to fix the animal up. He tried to convince his parents to let him keep it, but they explained why that would be a bad idea. Still whit this event in mind he eventually picked the Cactus-Cat as the first Ex-Beast he made a contract with. [b]Statistics[/b]: Level - 2. HP - 70 (7 points) MP - 40 (4 points) Attack - 14 Magic - 17 Speed - 13 Accuracy - 13 Defense - 13 Evasion - 13 Resistance - 13 **Spells/Skills:** Summon [Cactus-Cat](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cactus_cat)(level 2) This spell allows John to summon a Cactus-cat. This creature will fight either using its tail which is strong enough to break coconuts and does even more damage thanks to its spikes. [b]Statistics[/b] HP - 30 MP - 0 Attack - 18 Magic - 12 Speed - 12 Accuracy - 12 Defense - 12 Evasion - 17 Resistance - 14 Consumes 20 mp Command : ExBeast Summon, obey the contract and come forth Cactus-cat! Fusion :(level 2) When John fuses with a Cactus-cat he gains its armored spike covered tail and hind legs. This raises his attack by 5 ( only when using the tail and his legs) while the thorns give his legs an extra 5 defense. Command : Become one with me and lend lend me your power. The Summoner's last resort Fusion!