Two figures walked through white hallways, black suits on, metal masks hiding their faces from view. They had no name, they had no face. As far as the world was concerned, these people did not exist, and anything that would prove otherwise disappeared. As the figures reached a large metal door, gloved hands reach upwards. Codes were typed, known only to these nobodies, those who did not exist. And, of course, the same applied for the large room revealed. As the figures entered, the door automatically slammed shut behind them, locking heavily. A series of cameras observed the area from every angle, a long series of test tubes lining the walls. Shadowy figures loomed within, some of them human, some of them.... not. One of the figures stood by the door, observing the room constantly. The other figure moved over to one of the test tubes, gloved hands once more reaching out to operate the control panel besides it. A series of complex codes, the time between keystrokes being measured as carefully as the keystrokes themselves. After about ten minutes, the procedure was complete. With a light hiss, the fluid inside the tank flowed away, sucked into the belly of the mechanisms. Within, all that was left on the floor was a small piece of flesh, the remnants of the hydrochloric acid still burning at it. It twitched, writhing, small fibres and threads of new flesh already beginning to expand from this central core, no longer limited by the acid. Turning, the figures left. The area had already been shut down, no personnel would be moving in the hallways between this area and the next, and there were no alternative routes. There was nothing left to be done. And just like that, there were no figures. No, they had never been there. They had never existed, they were never there at all. All that was left, was the flesh, slowly wriggling on the ground, writhing and growing, the features of a human slowly becoming noticeable as it regained it's original form. Mia had been awoken.