(The boy mentioned in Dagrun's bio is Charak.) [Appearance] ( http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/111/6/2/magic_circles_by_deiumi-d3ekcwq.png ) - The stitch-like marking on her face is thanks to an incident with a werewolf, who managed to get a scratch on her that looked like a stitch. She doesn't bother to hide it because she believes it shows how 'powerful' she is. Name: Dagrun Ataro Lilura Age: 13 Race: Witch Gender: Female Personality: She takes a sigh before starting, "Well, some people describe me as being a 'geek' or a computer thanks to my knowledge on everything that is and isn't supposed to be in a test. All if them are stupid, I say. Who else would care to learn about nearly everything other than people liek me, who adore learning things? Now and again I can be stubborn, but most of the time I'd say I'm actually quite shy. I don't have many friends in school...I had a couple of other witches, some still decided to stay with me, but keep me far away from werewolves. One scratched me on my face, left a mark, too. Vampires are fine in my book. I think that might be it...Oh! Some people called me 'insane' or 'crazy', but I say they don't know the feeling of being able to know most things while others still don't....It's great." Bio: Roughly a year ago, she was at her school, like most people in her age group. She had entered a class (couldn't remember which one, who bothers with that when they have a whole load of other bit of knowledge?), sat down and did the usual classwork when she began to get bored. She had scanned the room but her eyes stopped at nearly nothing. She took in every detail she could see; what the material was, all of the information involving that material and so on. She struggled to keep in a chuckle, all of this information that no one else, or at least she thought no one else knew. Once glance to the side and she caught the sight of some boy she probably knew but was too busy to actually take in their name, looking over at her. He quickly turned away though, which left her curious. She cocked her head to the side and soon began to do bits of classwork instead. She would inspect and question the boy later, she decided. That was unless the boy would interact with her himself. She smiled at remembering how he turned away, thinking of how he probably noticed her little 'accident' mark on her face. She still didn't hide that mark, after all, it shows, at least to her, of how she managed to survive the attack of a werewolf. She smirked, taking a short glance towards him again before looking back down at her notes. Basic stuff, really. She had learnt this way back when she thought it would be useful, and it only ever came in handy when she was doing things related to that subject. So she sighed and leaned back in her chair. She glanced back at the boy and let out a small smile, hopefully it would be taken as a sign of peace between them. She mouthed the words, 'Wanna talk later?' and glanced quickly at the time, looking back at him to catch his reply. She grinned at him as the bell rang and quickly packed her stuff up. As soon as she was done, she nearly ran out of the classroom to catch up to the boy. "Wait a minute!" She called to him, speed walking over. Hearing him question her for stopping him, she simply shrugged, "Said we could talk and with your reply, I took it as a yes. So, hi." She nearly laughed at how he seemed unsure about the situation, but at least he still said a greeting. "Now we're introduced, I'll let you go, don't wanna ruin your schedule or anything. So, later?" Hearing him reply by saying she wasn't interrupting and asking about the scars, she brightened up. Not many people actually knew they were scars. "From a werewolf who scratched me. Not a big deal, really. Pretty weird that they look like scars, but oh well." When she heard his reply, she smiled a bit. "Guessing you have only heard from fairy tails? Human, then. Best to know I'm a witch. Not one from fairy tales where they're evil, though. I'm neutral, really. Not anything to fight over now-a-days." When she heard his still denying reply, she frowned. "Will you believe me if I show you, then?", she asked him. She smiled when he replied, even taking out a pen and a book encase if it was true. So, she got out a spare bit of paper and a pencil and began to draw some basic runes onto it. "Ready for this?" She asked when she finished the basic rune and it's circle. She ignored his sarcasm and mumbled what could only be described as nonsense, before the paper glowed a bright blue and turned to dust in her hands. "Done~" She chimed, grinning. She laughed when she saw how amazed he looked. "There are indeed more of us and werewolves do indeed exist. Vampires do, also. Never get caught in either's business, always is terrible." She replied to his questions. Hearing his new question to become his assistant in gathering information on her kind and the two others, she eagerly nodded," Of course! Always great to learn something new!" Now, she's still his helping hand with these three groups and does her job with pride. Magic: Runic- (through the use of Symbols and letters they have varying effect's such as turning whatever its etched onto into dust or lobbing a fireball in a straight line when it senses a presence) Other: Bazinga! She uses her scythe as a 'casting tool' and sometimes as a defense mechanism.