Though silent while Aaron talked to the doctor, Rei's expression grew increasingly more annoyed and a dark expression filling his eyes. Well, that explained a lot. It had been a suspicion in the back of his mind since he had heard the attacker's words. It only made him want to help the girl more. He understood, to some degree, what she might be going through. After all he often had the same issues. Upon entering the waiting room he heading over to the one of the vending machines to get a drink, since he hadn't managed to buy anything while at the store. Other things had interrupted that. He ended up settling for a lemonade, since there was no Pepsi, and went to sit down reasonably close to Aaron. He didn't say anything for a while as he began to drink his lemonade. "Tell me about it," Rei eventually replied, glancing over at Aaron curiously. He wondered what made the other teen think that the town sucked. Many people like living here. It was only those that were... different that questioned it. "There's so much intolerance. Anything that isn't normal is ridiculed. You have to be perfect or else. And the answer to anything different? Force them to change, and pray for their souls." Rei snorted. "I'd rather my soul wasn't saved, thank you very much, if I'm not allowed to be who I am." He had surprised even himself with the sudden outburst of words, passionate and angry. Though he certainly wasn't shy he didn't tend to talk much to strangers. "It's not like my parent's prayers have worked yet anyway. I can't wait to move somewhere different."