> Dude, you don't exactly see V-mon being able to access UlforceV-dramon, you feel me? That's a LOT of options to easily abuse so that Charlotte can be in any fight without disadvantage. Pretty sure you only need two Knight forms, max. And probably not the one with the attack labeled 'Invincible Sword', given the dressing-down you gave Xander for having a move titled 'God Mode'. Just to be fair. Okay, that makes sense. I'll reword it, just couldn't think of a different name for the attack at the time. (Now renamed Intensity Slash) And other than Gallantmon and maybe MedievalDukemon, the others will only appear once max, I just didn't want to not have defined sheets for them if the narrative called for a situation where it would happen, so that it wouldn't feel like I was making it up. I will not be rotating between all of them. You have my word. > I think that was just Mr trying to make a move that is less ridicules then it is. Aka flipping the table is silly. I do understand that, but it is a rather effective surprise attack. And I was only saying "Why not use at like, one Technique that Bandai gives you?" And I get it, they're kind of a mouthful, but if you want a suggestion of a light attack, rename Fire! Lightning! Earthquake! Father! to Heaven's Punishment and make it your light attack. If you want. > Hm... Looking over Tob's new sheet, I can understand the reason for most of those Megas. As he has a regular Mega and an "unstabilized" Mega as a kind of Dark Digivolution version. Or at least, that's what I get out of it. So two for the standard Mega and two for Royal Knight (Gallantmon and ChaosGallantmon). However, I do feel like only one Ascended Knight form is necessary. If this were a Digimon that was supposed to be the leader of the Knights, I wouldn't mind him having a second Ascension that's more powerful than the first. In this case, though, I would personally prefer it if there was either Gallantmon Crimson Mode or MedievalGallantmon, but not both. > > So basically, while there would be six Megas at that point, the reason for it would be that only three tiers just like Omnimon, but with two on the tier. But one of each Mega form would be her "True" form for that line. The others are kind of...corrupted versions of Digivolution akin to SkullGreymon in the Adventure series? Where they technically exist and can potentially happen, but it's not the form they want to take. Like how the main group in Adventure had Greymon Digivolve to SkullGreymon. They never wanted to use it again, and ever since, only used MetalGreymon. Do I have that right, Tob? Is that more or less what you're going for? If so, I would be okay with this. I've used a similar system in the past (where my Agumon character could do a branch Digivolution into either the Greymon or GeoGreymon line). If not...well, I would agree with RBY. Being able to freely use them with few disadvantages would be a bit of overkill, even in the endgame. > > (Out of personal preference, I think that Megidramon is a good idea. It just really depends on how it's implemented into the story when it comes.) Sort of, but not exactly. More along the lines of your middle paragraph, and Crimson Mode and MidevalDukemon are parallel, not one over the other. I won't be switching freely between them by any means. Yeah, they _can_ happen, but they're by no means intentional. It's just the instability of Guilmon make all of those possibilities. > To add to Digizel's argument, maybe you should have just one ascended knight form and instead of ChaosGallantmon being a descended knight form make Megidramon his descended knight form. Just a suggestion but I feel it may help... Well, that would make sense, but I can't really find a way to justify Megidramon being in any way in any kind of control, hers or anyone else's. It's just there because that's what _could_ happen, but only as a "we effed up" type of situation. Actually, to be honest, two of the forms, Megidramon included, are "Things went bad and now the world is ending" scenarios, but from different angles. If it makes anyone feel better, I could even roll a die or a couple of dice, and use that to see if I even get one other than Gallantmon, then roll again to see which. Adjusted so it's not OP for the situation, that is.