Two large armies faced each other, both sides letting out their respective battle cries, only the side closest to the forest edge making various animal noises rather than the human screams of their opponent. Roars, growls, chirps, hoots, and all manner of different sounds reverberating through the trees down to the plains below. The Animal Kingdom, otherwise known as Whiel Cattan, was standing firm to these human invaders of the evil Vurtan Empire. This was the first time in a long while that two countries of this size duked it out, showing that things were about to get a lot more serious in these little war game simulations that they were having on this manmade island. One of the humals, having a base of a human with dog ears and a tail, named Ralpho Lenzkip, stood near the front of the animal pack, his trusty dog bone almost as large as himself firmly held in place on the ground off to his side. With his sort attention span he was struggling to hold himself back, repeatedly asking the andromals, intelligent animals, if they were ready to kick those imperial butts yet. "We must issue our great battle cry first! It's tradition!" One of the beaver warriors standing next to him said. Ralpho screamed at the top of his lungs as he surged forward with his dog bone at his side, closing the gap between the two forces in about a minute. Meanwhile, the other animals also let loose and followed behind him, starting the battle in a flurry of claw, sword, and gun.