Michael, Haiden had seemed to relax around him, perhaps this will all smooth out with time after all. However before he could get the conversation on point the red head seemed to get even more agitated. Perhaps she was just the type of person to grow hostile at anything she didn't agree with. _"People like that are generally problematic for their friends, best to avoid her."_He thought. Haiden suddenly excused himself, looking rather forlorn? Perhaps he was bi-polar. The redhead also stormed off in the opposite direction.....Thankfully a girl helped ease this awkward tension. **"Michael, do you know where we can find out what classes we are in?"** Eden, a rather strong willed girl,(Or at least her obvious self assured nature seemed to suggest) Michael internally thanked her before actually thinking about the answer to her question. "Ah, actually I do, if you have your phone I can show you from that or I could walk you to the main hall and we could look over a map. I have a printout of my classes but it seems my memory doesn't measure up." He took a step out of the row of seats and motioned for her to follow, knowing walking and talking made most people feel more comfortable. --- Sal stormed off, irritated by not just the situation but the cackling dragon that plagued her thoughts. Its no wonder people who hear voices are considered crazy, Sal had one for all of a few hours and she was already growing violent. As she wasn't paying attention she collided into some spikey shrimp! (So what if hes taller) "Watch out! I am walking here!" She glared at the kid her eyes stabbing proverbial daggers through him. Rather than wait to hear what he had to say she grabbed his shirt and pulled his face to his. "You got a problem!" She lets go of his shirt as suddenly as she grabbed it and backs off putting her hands on her hips. "Say ur' sorry!" While she claimed to want some sort of apology she had been hoping for the opposite so she could teach him otherwise. "Hurry up before I Drop you like your mom did!"