![enter image description here](http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100704050848/worldsofsdn/images/d/dc/OrbitalYard.jpg "enter image title here") **Space station 'Proephus origin'** **Planet Sevren IV, Capitol of the Ahmun Sul state.** -+-+-+ The sound of trade. Money moving.. economy pounding, the real beating heart of every nation is the movement of goods.. and what better place to move them than through the most prolific hyperspace crossroads that exists. Outside the station, ships originating from most major nations sit idly, waiting for a dock to open up. The refueling pods in the distance had equally long lines. This was the problem being addressed in this days meeting. Broad bronze doors slowly opened in a long seemingly empty hallway in the deep parts of the station. As the first few people stepped in to the hallway, turrets quickly deployed from the ceiling in various, random locations. Blue beams shot out from the turrets, acting as a sort of holographic net around each person. This did not impede the targets movement but it was an uncomfortable feeling, knowing that you were indeed being scanned. Your body violated in every way possible. Females outfits being pierced and every part available for easy viewing by who ever is observing through the turret. The group moved down the hallway until reaching yet another bronze door. As it slowly opened, the men and women in the group moved single file through. Upon entering the chamber, a massive triangular table was sitting in the center. Giant lights in the ceiling illuminated every part of the room. There were no shadows, no place to put secret listening devices or bombs and the walls were insanely armored. This was the trader command center. There were many creatures in this room, be them renegades from other nations or just those who were travelling and just... lingered.. began debating among themselves on the topics of trade inflation, pirate activities, interest rates. Everything one would imagine in a trader union meeting. That typical boring shit some would say. One voice seemed to overpower the rest. A Valkarian male "Tinkerer" with an imposing physical build but a voice so serene. "I believe we should stop the talks regarding piracy and focus on the real problem here. Have you all heard the situation between the Terran and iscanda-" Before he could finish, one of the many Iscandarians in the room stood up and leaned over the table. "Why do you care? My race will end the fight and things will return to normal." Two Septonians just pressed their palms against their forehead and some Terrans pinched the bridge of their noses. It was always a fight between the two, each arguing over what nation was best.. Just wait, the Valkarian would begin his counter soon.. "You just have no clue do you." the 'Valk' said. "You're lucky there aren't any Valkarian warships nearby.. someone has to clean up the mess." he said then smiled. "Oh please, after the Terrans are destroyed, your nations stuff would arrive and be destroyed. Hell, even if they join forces in the fight, Iscandarians would just destr-" A voice seemed to shatter the room, deep and powerful it was... "Shut.. the fuck.. UP!" Th voice responsible was the Jeon of the state, a man of real power in the room. "Sorry Jeon Harris" was the only words the Valkarian could muster while the Iscandarian just crossed his arms and sat back down. "Let them have at it. Only means refugees will head here. We will have to purchase more rations..." He took a deep breath and walked around the table. "Also, we will need to start upping the interest on space based weaponry transports. Always make the market work to your advantage. THIS is what you should be concerning yourselves with, this nation and its continued prosperity." -+-+-+- **Varal flight 34, outer system patrol.** -+-+-+- "This is flight lead, we have some activity ahead." Indeed, ahead was something they really didn't want to see.. a pirate ship, of course. One of the Varal pilots joking said, "So, another routine pirate stomp?" Another laughed over the comms but as they drew closer, they could see it was one of the higher end warships, armed with "Magic lasers" and plasma based weapons. This was a predator. The Fighters engaged their stealth systems and moved in for a closer look. "Looks like an iscandarian warship. Likely purchased third party long ago. Sure, it wasn't front line new age but still formidable. "Alright, set targets. Hit their engines." "Roger that." "Copy". The fighters took up a 'V' formation and began approaching from behind. The warships scanners were fully active but weren't able to compensate for the advanced emission controllers and light absorbers, along side other high level ECM suites. Maybe a captain had some sort of sixth sense or something as the ships shields activated all the sudden. "Shit. we'll never get through those shields. and if we try to use long range communications, that thing will find us." The other pilots kept comm chatter down as well but the short range was tight beam and not able to be detected. The fighters turned away and moved back towards a nearby asteroid field. As they arrived, their stealth systems dropped and seemingly from the shadows, Two Struh frigates emerged and docked the fighters. With subtle engine bursts and a holographic emitter, they became "trade ships".. the perfect prey for a beast like that Iscandarian inspired warship. They silently moved towards the ship and before long, a image appeared on the holographic viewers of the Struh frigates. "This is Arch mage Alyas, surrender your ships or pray for your lives." Great. a Iscandarian butt-hole, likely left the nation and just decided to take the title of arch mage to inspire fear on his targets. As the Struh frigates slowed down, the pirate ship began moving closer. Shields at full power, guns trained on the frigates. Dangerous for any foe but the Frigates were hunters and knew how to kill a beast. In less than a second, broadside missiles launched from the frigates as the holographic image dropped. Fighters launched in large numbers from the sides as well and within maybe ten seconds, forty advanced fighters and two hunter frigates were engaging the ship. Before they could even target the fighters, massive particle beams fired a sustained wave against the pirates shield, draining it rapidly. The pirate ship began firing in earnest but the shields of the frigates weren't toys and were withstanding the fire for the time being. It wouldn't hold forever but when the shield burnt out on the pirate ship, the launched missiles shot in and exploded in to a shower of MIRVs. CIWS began firing wildly from the pirate ship and indeed shot a few missiles down but most hit and did extreme damage to the outer hull. At the same time, cannons fired from the frigates, hitting the ship with incredible force and blowing turrets off. Fighters had engaged the ship during all of this, sniping turrets and destroying the engines with their anti ship missiles. It was within five minutes of the battle, escape pods began launching from the ship before it exploded in a flash of light. two halves of the ship slowly drifted from each other, which was the signal for the salvage ships to fly in. It would be an half hour before the salvage ships completed their work. But when they were done, it was if a battle never happened..