Would either of these classes be okay? ------ Light Adept Spells: Light Barrier (1) Creates a barrier of light. Moderate to high resistance against magic spells. Low resistance against physical attacks Light Arrow (1) Shoots an arrow made of light. Can stun enemies and lightly damage them. Can do lots of damage to dark enemies or undead monsters. Healing Light (1) Uses light to heal allies (or foes) within moderate range. Heals 10%-40% of HP ---- Metal Adept Ultimate Blade (1) Brings forth a colossal blade (really really big). The blade is summoned and goes down toward the ground, either hitting a specific target, or can be used as a defense against an attack. The blade can't be used in battle, it is a one-time thing, where it appears and goes into the ground. Would be considered a finishing move. Equip Metal (1) Forms a weapon made of metal. Can be various shapes or forms, depending on what the person wants it to be. The weapon can be equipped and used in battle by the metal adept for a short period of time. Can use it again after awhile, if enough MP is available Ride (1) A large sword is summoned (almost the same size as normal swords, but wider and a bit bigger) and the metal adept can stand on it, while using it to travel through the air and various places. Can do this passively, even in combination with other skills