Reika got into the castle, a place she did not like to be in, that kind of fancy places were not her style so a year ago she decided to turn it ito a huge sotrehouse and oly a few rooms were left for the visits although they were not as fancy as they used to be. The female warlord made it to the meeting room, a dark room with a few lit canddles, a long table with the map of the whole continent carved and painted on it and about 1000 books on a huge bookshelf: history, economy, geography and warfare were the majority of what all the books were about. Once Reika closed the door of the meeting room, the magistrates stood up from their chairs, men and woman wearing kimonos colorful kimonos, they all bowed to Reika and she bowed back. "Milady, We have called you this time to give you the report you asked for last week. Indeed, as you said, it is possible for us to help Lord Shiba and the Sakura Alliance both economically and military." Reika nooded and sat on a chair, then opened the leather folder the ministers had put the report in, after 10 minutes, the time it took her to read the huge report, she closed the folder and left it on the table. "Well then, I shall lead 5000 men and 1000 rice sacks...Those bandits have caused great damage to their fields. I know it wont be enough though..." A female magistrate smiled "Milady you are too kind" Reika smiled at the, magistare Zhen Ji, then left the room and started to prepare everything.