![enter image description here](http://i.imgur.com/gsPiQBe.png "enter image title here") **Welcome to Areapolis – City of Wonders!** This is a freeform adventure-in-the-city fantasy game where we take on the roles of the denizens of the greatest city in the world. You will have an equal hand in the creation of the city, as you get to create not only your own character, but a race, guild, temple or other organization (or all of them) – if you want to. There will be no central plot, other than the one you make up yourself. The possibilities are almost endless, confined only by a tiny framework of visionary guidelines. Also, the game is always open and anyone can join at any time. *** **First of all – What is Areapolis?** The greatest city in the world, some people call it. Others have given it less flattering names. Once the capital of an ancient empire, it lies at the crossroads of the world, where all the major land- and naval trade-routes collide. The huge river Area flows through it like an enormous life-giving vein, lending its name to the city. People from all across the world travel here to do all kinds of business, bringing exotic animals, goods and cultures along with them. It is the city of a hundred different languages, and a thousand different smells. Areapolis is ruled by a council consisting of the heads of all the major guilds and organizations in the city. Policies change with each coming day, and the balance of power shifts like the waves at sea. Defense and law enforcement is conducted by several different factions, often in direct opposition of each other. The city is the incarnation of chaotic life. *** **Secondly, the Visionary Guidelines:** - No unfair gameplay. Don’t godmod against other players, or try to ruin their creations. We’re doing this together, and it’s not a competition. - This is medieval fantasy. Leave the sci-fi at home. - Include people. Again, we’re building this together. Invite other players and connect your creations. - No trolling. A bit of fun and comedy is always welcome, but don’t go over the top. - No bullying. Name-calling and indecent language directed against your fellow players will get you suspended from the game. *** **Lastly, Applications:** You are free to create a character, a race and an organization for yourself. If you have more cool ideas, you’re welcome to apply them as well. Don’t go berserk, though. Leave some room for other players. See the Application Sheets below as the minimum-required amount of information needed to apply. You are free to flesh your App out with more info, or perhaps pictures, if you wish. Once your applications have been accepted, you’re free to start posting in the IC thread. **Character App** Name: Race: Gender: Age: Description: **Race App** Name: Description: **Organization App** Name: Description: *** **Good luck and have fun! I’m looking forward to playing with you!**