Name: **Henriette Rauman** Age when entered this world: **14** Loop when entered New Haven: Loop 2 Gender: **Female** Family in New Haven: **She lives in New Haven together with her father. Her mother passed away due to a medical problem a few years before they moved to New Haven.** Likes: **Being around people, fresh air, ** Dislikes: **darkness, being isolatet** Personality: **She is an outgoing girl that trys to please evryone around her. She always puts others first and tries to aproch evryone that seems lonly. She has a strong conection to her father and tries to make him happy by getting more and more friends.** Room Number: **10** History: **Back when she was still living on earth together with her parrents she lead a happy and quiet live. Her father and mother were happyly married and evrything was perfect. There was only one thing that was not perfect.... her mother was a very shy and quiet woman which would lead to her not having many friends. That didnt bother her or her father untill the day her mother caught a terrible desiece. Her mother was feeling worse with evry day she was in the hospital and so her dad wantet to cheer his wive up. He tried to gather all of her friends to meet her again, to give her new energy to fight, but.... there was no one that could have come. Only he was next to the side of his wife on the night she passed away... no one else. With that tragic fate on his mind he turned to his daughter and tried to convince her to make as many friends as she could and to give those who have no friends a good friend in her. Since that day Henriette tries to make as many friends as she can to make her father happy.** Rank of the Basic 4: 1)Earth 2)Water 3)wind 4)Fire Magical Affinity: may not be available to the student until it is learned Personal Tendency:3+ chart Pets and when chosen: [None yet] Education completed while on New Haven:[None yet] Independent Courses taken:[None yet] Careers:[None yet] What are we going to follow?: The rainbows all the way to the gold pot!