![enter image description here](http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ef/e3/da/efe3dafe4329337c0c826a9c25478d6c.jpg "enter image title here") **Name:** Calvin Fairway **Alias:** Boom **Age:** 23 **Gender:** Male **Skills/Powers:** _Explosion Touch_ – Calvin has the mutant ability to produce spontaneous combustion upon tactile contact. The user can cause anything or anyone to explode when the user touches them or they touch the user. Because the object becomes the bomb when touched instead of being struck by an explosion, this ability cannot be blocked by physical barriers. Calvin is able to detonate his bombs at will and control the intensity. They range from snap rocks to average c-4 plastic explosives. Anything higher takes more energy. _Bomb Specialist_ – Trained by the Explosive Ordnance Disposal, Calvin is an expert at defusing bombs. This also comes with military training. **Equipment:** - Different size metal marbles used for charging with explosive energy - Combat knife **Personality:** Growing up in the military with his family, Calvin always had a serious demeanor about him. But after getting out and getting to know the world, he’s loosened up and is pretty outgoing. He has a sarcastic wit to him that makes him comical and often the one that breaks the ice in awkward situations. Calvin is very cunning and intelligent with great problem solving skills. He can get himself out of any situation if he put his mind to it. He is a master of “throwing shade” and is known for having rapid fire comebacks. **Weakness:** - The bigger the explosion, the more explosive energy it takes. With that said, the size of the explosion typically varies with the object touched. - When Calvin dies, his body will self-detonate like a bomb and will explode the size of a nuclear bomb. **Hero or Villain:** Hero **History:** Calvin grew up as an army brat, living with his family on base most of his life. His dad was a sergeant for the US military as a bombs specialist (EOD, Explosive Ordnance Disposal). He pretty much learned everything his dad did even though he wasn’t technically in the military. When Calvin hit puberty, his mutant abilities began to manifest. At first, they were hard to control and made it difficult to touch anything or anyone. Having the scientific resources, his dad helped him control his powers with government assistance. The military saw this as the next step to creating advanced war weapons. When he turned 18, he was drafted into the army and was used for war. Calvin felt this feeling that people weren’t being genuine with him; as if they were using him. When Calvin turned 21, he left the army with an honorable discharge and went in search of himself. During that time, he discovered his sexuality and came out to his family. They didn’t really understand it at first but soon came around. Within the last few years, Calvin became aware of the rapid villain increase in the country and the dwindling of superheroes. He moved to New York soon after to make a difference. **Other:** United