Grouped outside of a burnt out old village, past a set of terrified blue crystal statues, stood an odd group of men and women, humans and even a few elves. There were some in groups, while some stood off on their own, either in conversation or contemplation of recent events. Ru stood amongst one of those groups, those who had gathered to scout ahead of the rest. *The elf ranger Eddy, mysterious assassin Misala whose name is coincidentally the same as the town we just destroyed, Ordore our cloaked leader, and of course myself. That makes 4.* Ru thought to himself, surveying those gathered. Another had shown, Nero, Spellsword of the Manor, though Ru had never heard of such a title. *Knowledge of the area would be nice though, and he seems ready and willing to join, so make that 5.* The scouting group had grown a bit larger than Ordore had intended, but there was still a sizeable contingent of mages in the main group. The keeper of the tavern Ordore had mentioned earlier would either be ecstatic or terrified to have so many under his roof. Likely depending on how much ale and food he had ready access too. Looking back towards the group, he noticed a green clad elf - Darthalia, he thought her name was - heading towards them. The challenging elf from the end of the battle, Akali, was standing a short distance behind, staring intensely at Darthalia, looking briefly like a pouting child before calming and feeding a squirrel. *A bit of an odd one.* He thought, then smiled. *Of course, we're a group of rather odd ones.* Maybe being mage born tended to make people a bit less sane. Regardless, Darthalia had approached them, timidly asking if they could gather blue lilies whilst scouting to grant some night vision. **"Gather blue lillies, consume for night vision. Gotit."** Ru responded cheerfully, spinning slightly to face her. **"You have the map."** He observed after a brief moment, then turned once more to head to find Ordore. If Darthalia had the map and magic stones and paper, she likely would be leading the main party, especially if their pseudo-leader Eddy was joining the scouting party. So Ordore would need to show her where the tavern was. Ru sensed a somewhat somber mood emanating from Ordore as he approached, and toned down his usual exuberance. Facing the ruined village, it wasn't hard. Ru muttered a short prayer for those who had fallen, hoping the guard Albec wouldn't be counted among that bloody number. Finally, he approached Ordore. **"The plan is to send the main group towards this tavern of yours, while we scout ahead? If so, you'll need to show Darthalia here where she will be leading them. In fact, it would probably be best if the scouting party knew where it was, in case we become separated. Regardless, we should be likely be heading out before it starts getting dark."**