[hider=Basic map of town]the main road into the town; West Walbrok, leads out into a long stretch of highway that used to conect the town with other places. You would pass a gas station a few miles back and see what seems to be the remenites of a wall or what seemed to be the start of one. Passing into town their is a old degraded sign on your right saying 'Welcome to Brokvile' In big letters. From hear you will see to your sides broken down shops with boards over the windows. the sidewalks covered in new plant life and decaying corpses. From hear you will find a large apartment complex with outside doors on the right and the entrance to the forest path across from it. Take a left on the cross road and you will find yourself going down more boarded up shops and offices, & few houses hear and there. Take a right and find yourself in a housing district. Each of the houses are boarded up with broken windows and plant life everywhere. at the end of this road their is a semi short road with the elementary school, middle school, and highschool on one long street. Around them are over grown sport fields and a murky swimming pool know used as a artificial lake for animals. Keep going straight off the cross road, you find your self the police station on your left and a firestation on your right. This road contuines down into over grown fields where passive heards of animals make a living of the mutated plants that spread over the area. Down the road some more is the abandoned hospital and research lab. A lot of the infected swarm the hospital so it is wise to avoid it.[/hider] Everyone knew that a new civilization was going to start soon. They didn't know that civilization was on their own brinks.