> Name: Alexi Rayne Alias: Rayne Age: 19 Gender: Female Skills/Powers: Rayne is a vampire, making her resistant to ant toxins or poisons. Being a vampire grants her with heightened senses and superhuman speed. Rayne can also use enegery sheilds and health draining spells. She has been trained in a sacred fighting style only known by her vampire family. Equipment (Doesn’t have to be weapons):A blood vial she wears on her necklace. Personality: Rayne doesnt talk much, she just likes to get the job done. Yet shes soft spoken. Being a bounty hunter is sometimes rough for Rayne, she always gets her job done. Weakness: Fire, water, and sunlight. Hero or Villain: Neutral (Bounty Hunter) History: Rayne is a local bounty hunter who does what she wants. Whatever just gets her paid. Her job is to eliminate or capture any bounty she picks up in bars and pubs. Before any of that, Rayne was a troubled child who discovered her magika when she was 5 years old, her parents hadn't realized that she was bitten one night by a vampire in her sleep, one day in school Rayne had a panic attack. She had a craving for blood and she snaped, causing her to get put in an asylumn. As years passed she was released at the age of eighteen and she started bounty hunting to survive. Appearance: Alexi Other: N/A United :)