"Vegeta did say he can do the work faster than that though, and we both know he's not one to bother sweetening things. If he said he'll have it done soon then he meant it, so we can just keep hoping he's done with it before long." There was not much more that they could do at the moment but wait, everything was in Vegeta's hands now. Yumi supposed she could help keep Viral busy as not to let him sink into a rut, and give him medicine when need be; other than those two things she was hard pressed to think of what more of a role she could play. Glancing down at her still drenched clothes she absentmindedly made a request to go and change, her face immediately turning red when Viral pointed out how obviously stupid that was of her. "S-Sorry! Dumb idea, forget I said anything," Yumi said quickly, waving her hands dismissively before smiling, "Spoke without thinking, my mistake. The doctor is nearby, let's go ahead and get to him, okay?" Well, he was close-ish, given that his office was closer than Vegeta's, but not by much. Luckily for them it was on the side of the ship they had entered on, and he should be there unless he was taking a break or wandering about. Much as Vegeta was annoyed with Choi he had to admit the other boy had a fair point; speaking with Viral may in fact help things. Not just as his doctor necessarily either but a friend, something he often proclaimed to be yet showed very little effort in proving as of late. Right or wrong however it still was not easy to do, and convincing Viral to come and sit in the lab simply for a chat was probably as easy as pulling teeth with tweezers. Hearing what more Choi had to say he was quiet for a moment, staring down at the table in thought. After a few seconds more of silence Vegeta let out a short, bitter laugh as he looked back, smiling slightly. "An apprentice? Do you have any idea how complex genetic therapy is? Or dealing with injuries at the molecular level? Do you know how to properly grow stem-cell and then replicate them before injecting them into a patient?" Letting out a sigh Vegeta rubbed at his head, wondering what was taking their waiter so long so they could drop this conversation. "I can try and spend time with Viral, though I sincerely doubt he'll take to it. As for an apprentice... Impossible. I ask for help and I do so within the capabilities of those around me. Simply put none of you could do the work I do." "Hey now, don't get me wrong dude, I don't hate the idea of living on Earth. I just didn't know that was a plan we had going, that's all," Kabocha said with a shrug, "I don't know about building a home either, but settling down there doesn't seem too bad. Food is good, it's a nice planet, and there were some really nice chicks in the city. I bet within a week of settling down we could all score ourselves some dates!" That would be rather funny if the three of them managed to get a girl in such a short time, especially when native Takeshi was flying solo completely. Maybe they should try being good friends and give him some pointers... Or just sit by and watch him flounder, which was kind of funny. "Of course I'm sure! My dad might seem like a moron but he's got good business sense, he'll find a way to make us money. My mom... Well, she'll find something. Plus I'm sure there's ways to make cash there that we don't even know about yet." Just then noticing that someone had come up to the table Kabocha near snapped at them, pausing when he saw it was the waiter. Grinning excitably he turned to Kai, waving him on impatiently, "Go on, order will you?" Takeshi figured they would have to go a ways to find some fruit so he vaulted off immediately, expecting Shu to follow suit. When he looked back however his little brother had only gone part way before jumping up and disappearing into a tree. Just what in the world was the kid up to? Watching confused as Shu went then and kicked the tree itself the older boy's eyes widened seeing fruit essentially rain down, his sibling getting quite a lot already. Not to be outdone and feeling shown up a bit Takeshi looked around, trying to piece together how Shu had managed that. Hm... He must have actually sniffed fruit out, which means he should be able to do it too! Closing his eyes he took a few wafts of the air, a bit confused when he did smell fruit but wasn't sure if it was just what Shu was holding. Turning his head Takeshi spotted one tree where he swore there was some, making a straight jump at it and kicking it right in the center; sure enough his efforts were rewarded much in the same way as Shu's were, only his fruits were a bit different. Spiky was a good way to label these, they were basically really prickly pineapples. As soon as he'd caught his first one his eyes teared up slightly, and soon his arms were full and a few knocked on him as well. Refusing to vocalize that he'd been hurt even marginally Takeshi looked over at Shu, smirking with tears in the corners of his eyes. "Ha... I can do it too!" he said weakly, wincing as another fell and poked him right on the head. "Stupid prickly fruits with your dumb spikes and... Gah!" Haku felt a bit awkward helping like this, but figured he might as well try to be useful. It was a touch uncomfortable though, especially when he found out just who the other alien was. Hearing the word Captain struck a particularly sore chord with him if only because he was rather used to being abused by his superiors. Sure, L'esta wasn't really his superior here, but that didn't mean he was getting off free. Smiling uneasily Haku nodded to himself, easing T'charrl to his feet. "Wow... Uh... Nice to meet you, sir," he said stiffly, averting his gaze awkwardly. If he wasn't mistaken he thought the man started laughing at him then, though it was an odd sound so it was a bit tough to tell really. "Relax boy, I'm not going to harm you," L'esta joked as he noticed how edgy Haku was. "And L'esta is fine, only my subordinates address me as sir. I suppose I should thank you for helping the Prince out as well." Of course if he knew the circumstances of their meeting then the Captain would be saying anything but thanks; the Saiyan would probably be running for his life if he knew. Bliss is ignorance however and for the time being they would get along just fine. Smiling with relief at seeing T'charrl able to stand even slightly the Captain looked back in the way they had come, wondering if he should call his men over or not. "Once you've rested I'm going to call my men, is that alright Prince? I intend to escort you back under protection, just to be safe. While I did say most people will be glad of your return there are still pockets of General Garesh' loyalists, and we need to keep them from you now that you've returned."