In the Frigid Northern wasteland known as the Winter Court, two weeks prior to the wedding. A messenger from The Rus capital arrived at noon, shivering and covered in frost. The message bore news of a wedding between nobility from both Europa and The Rus. Surely joyous news, for them at least. Word was delivered to the Queen of Winter Court, she was far too preoccupied with more 'at home' matters to even consider arriving at the wedding. Several folk of higher standing were overjoyed, an event like this would surely improve their social status and make them seem more interesting. They loaded their carts and set out to the wedding. In the main hall, Queen Mab ordered Sir Nikolai to follow along. To serve as something of a substitute for the queen herself. To be sure, this had greater implications. Refusing an invitation to a wedding and sending instead a diplomat to record the events. Some would be insulted. However, not sending any word, or outright disregarding the invitation would be more of an insult. Nikolai obliged, leaving at once to ready himself for the long trip. There are no permanent roads in Winter Court. Only the path cut by those daring few who venture out into the cold. The journey to and from Winter Court is always treacherous, makes warring against them difficult. Invasion is suicidal at worst, stupid at best. It also makes general commerce difficult as well. I'm digressing. In Nikolai's personal chambers a sneaky peeker would see him donning a suit of skintight furs, from neck to toe it covered his body. Why is he wearing this? Metal armor on bare skin in the cold is the worst possible thing, you have no idea. The suit of furs was to insulate him and allow him to wear his armor at the same time. After slipping himself into the outfit he slid his armor on over it. The chainmail first and then the platemail, of course. After his furs and armor were donned, he pulled a robe over his armor, concealing it from view. Around his waist he tied the rope that his head hangs from, clipping the box onto the sling. To complete his wardrobe he slid a cloak around his neck. His hood was pulled up and held in place with some metal wiring, the hood also had a mesh frame in front of it. Behind the frame was a silk cloth, making it impossible for people to see his lack of a head. Another downside to being headless, it's surprising to everyone. After dressing himself warmly, he walked to the stables and mounted his trusty horse Pheidippedes. The colossal stallion was already loaded with feed, equipment, rations, and his weapons. The horse too was wearing a cloak of furs to keep him warm. Fast forward past all of the dreary snowy walking sequences, don't ignore the fact that a couple nobles died on their trip to the wedding due to a raider attack, and then you have Nikolai at the main gate to the city the Wedding is being hosted in. The horseman had a bit of trouble getting past the guards, explaining to them that he had a severe deformnity that would offend other people. Having to hide his actual head from them just to get past the gate. When the Dragons arrived, Nikolai positioned himself at the nearest inn and sat at the counter with hood raised. Not ordering anything, for obvious reasons, simply sittng there and listening to the conversations around him. For the next two days Nikolai rested in the inn, rather than occupying himself with the other nobility. They bored him, and honestly, if he had known about the ruckus going on with Prince Charming, he would have been rather upset that he had to stay here and participate with some stupid wedding.