Taoshe The Lorca were bombarded by a situation all too familiar to the one at the top of the elevator once they finally arrived at the bottom. By this point, they had accepted that they would be surrounded by those who had seemingly escaped from the nearest mental institution and did their best not to stare (Though it was admittedly still hard). The Major spoke to Valag again "Do your people believe in Gods?" He asked as he turned his neck to face towards him "If they do, then you are right; They must accept that there will be a lot outside of your ordinary, as they have already accepted the immaterial. And well met Valag Timonus; I have Major Nhas Voroei, unworthy to represent the great Lorca Ghaj and stand in the presence of you and your most hospitable Commander" The Major fell to his right knee as he spoke, crossing his arms over his chest in an X, a clenched fist resting over each heart. The outline of his shield was barely visible as it connected with the floor. "I bring words from a council many light years from here" The Major stood up a few moments later, his eyes darting to the side of his HUD as he read the commands scrolling down it. "Where might we meet away from the eyes of the public? The council demands discretion and I shall give it them." He heard the elevator come down behind him a few moments later and the three Lorca spun, peering into it as it opened. He couldn't tell whether it was a third alien race or just some short Aradites with a wildly different skin pigmentation; He guessed it would be the former One of minors approached them. The Aradites would know his words were merely "Wait! Who are these beings?". To the humans of course, his speech sounded much the same as it had to the Aradites before they had attuned the translator device; A harsh, guttural language that sounded more like he was issuing a stream of abuse and threatening to brutally murder the Terrans rather than the more benign words he spoke. ((Because you know, I want to see how the Terrans react to what seems like a raving mad alien warrior)