Kalinda watched the attempt at duel, shaking her head, but watched simply to see what her classmates were capable off. To satisfy her curiosity, she had a look at their souls. Soul perception was a skill she had actively perused on the streets, and one that had saved her life a few times. She looked at Allen's soul first, and decided that he was someone who just seemed ignorant of other peoples feelings. Almost as if he didn't understand them. Well, myth had said something like that, hadn't he? Still, Allen's soul sent a wave of uneasiness through her. She moved onto Myth, who seemed a closed off individual, who seemed intent of doing wht people wanted, so that he could avoid conflict, and yet, his soul seemed quite flexible. All in all, he seemed quite kind. Angelo's soul eemed...to completely override his attitude. Still Lazy like, but...there was more to it then simple sloth. His weapons seemed to be the perfect example of brother and sister. With a shy, Kalinda looked away from their souls, and instead sat down, Tori sitting down beside her. "Why do you do it for, if it makes you so...thoughtful and passive?" "because I like knowing things' Kalinda replied