**Klaus Helbrect** ![enter image description here](http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/010/b/5/future_soldier_power_armor_by_fonteart-d5r2ax4.jpg "enter image title here") Klaus is about as burly as it comes. He stands at an impressive 6'5, and he's built like a freight train made man. Deceptive to his nature, his face carries youth, and some semblance of happiness. He's got striking yellow eyes, and buzz-cut dirty blonde hair. Apart form this, he sports a strapping pair of mutton chops on his head, which combine to form a short beard and mustache on his face. Klaus is a very powerful man, just physically. He's less heavy, and more athletic, meaning that although he's a massive brick wall of a man, he's surprisingly quick on his feet. He's unparalleled in the use of the Shield/Gun style. When disarmed, Klaus is equally as dangerous, as he won't to turn the strength and motor enhancements of his armor onto his enemies. He's a champion level boxer and wrestler, and has a very sound tactical mind. He shows matchless calm on the battlefield, as if being pummeled by a hail of bullets is the only thing he finds solace in. Klaus' primary source of protection is a high-end suit of power armor, designed specifically for damage absorption. It uses a multilayered weave of standard ballistics, ablative nanofibers, and powered shock-absorbent plates to soak up incomprehensible amounts of punishment and small arms fire. The plates range in thickness from two to three inches at certain points. Apart from its protective qualities the armor also provides strength enhancements, and the helmet can display tactical readouts, ballistic trajectories, and has various different vision modes, all built in. On top of all of this, Klaus' armor has a flechette launcher mounted on his left shoulder, which fires a shotgun-spray of timed explosive darts. **Arsenal** THE SHIELD: Klaus' shield is a solid, rectangular piece of armor plating. Comprised of the same materials as (and designed to match) his power armor, it's about as tall as he is, a true tower shield. It has no little window on it. It has armored cameras installed on its surface, which feed directly into his helmet. THE LMG HALBERD: Klaus wields a powerful, thousand-shot cip LMG in his primary hand. The strength enhancements of his power armor, combined with his already impressive physique, allow him to wield the LMG in one hand and the shield in the other. The LMG itself is designed for suppression and chewing up lightly armored targets. It's rather short (think of the SAW LMG) for an LMG of its calibre, as its purposely designed to not be too accurate. For Now, the fun part. Klaus' LMG has a secondary mode. At a whim, he can decouple a set of gyroscopes, causing the LMG to flip around, centered on its trigger. Mounted on the back of the LMG is a set of halberd blades, and once the LMG flips around and successfully clicks into place, the collapsible stock extends an extra three feet in length, turning the LMG into a fully functional halberd within a matter of seconds. The heinous thing about this mode, is that the gun itself is still functional, and Klaus has learned to use this in his attacks with the halberd, gunning down foes who weasel around him or incorporating a hail of bullets into a series of attacks. **AI** In order to work all the proper systems of his armor, Klaus' armor has a built in AI, which Klaus has taken to calling "Rommel", over it's tactical abilities. Rommel runs all the systems for Klaus' equipment, and is the brains behind the many tactical calculations that occur inside the helmet. Rommel is no-nonsense, and speaks with a monotone voice. Klaus has set Rommel to speak only in German, for security reasons. **History** Klaus is a veteran of the conflict between Humanity and the Free Men, having served as a heavy support gunner for many years on the battlefield. His unwavering devotion, and steely nerves under fire earned him the attention of the New Templars, where he was signed on to play the very same role, but with new toys. Apart from this, Klaus never talks about his past life. Anyone who asks him quickly learns why they _shouldn't_. Klaus carries a very traumatized burden with him, and the day someone drags those memories out of his mouth will be the day he lays down his weapons and retires.