After spending a few seconds with curled lips, Fendros squeezed Ahnasha's hand and nodded. Meesei was right, he couldn't assume that Llarasa would know what Monderyn knows. "I'd like that," Fendros said to Ahnasha, before looking at everyone else, "If you could give us a moment." Fendros walked over to the door and knocked on it three times, Ahnasha at his side with Rhazii. "Llarasa, I'm sorry. We need to talk." Llarasa's high voice sounded from behind the door between her sobbing. "You were dead! The guards and father found the horse and the dead beast and all your broken belongings and...and the flesh everywhere! You were dead! You were killed and eaten!" "That wasn't the case, Llarasa! Please let me explain." Fendros glanced at Ahnasha with a worried brow. Llarasa sobbed for a few moments longer, but it seemed to slow. "Why...why did you leave?" Fendros angled his head to one side and sighed. "Can I come in, please? I'll answer any questions you have." A few more moments passed, then the door unlocked and opened slightly. Llarasa poked her head out, her cheeks shining with streaks of tears and her red eyes puffy. She sniffed and took a look at Ahnasha and Rhazii. "Who is the Khajiit?" Llarasa croaked. "Her name is Ahnasha. This is Rhazii," Fendros gestured to the cub, who was observing everything with one little hand clenched over Ahnasha's pendant. "Rhazii is...I'll explain with everything else. Can we come in?" Llarasa looked Ahnasha up and down dubiously through her still upset demeanour, but opened the door to her room. There were two single beds, Fendros observed. Llarasa took one as a seat and Fendros and Ahnasha sat on the other, opposite her. "So why did you leave?" Llarasa asked, clearly expending a lot of effort in trying to stay composed enough to speak. Her eyes kept darting to Ahnasha as if her presence was making her uncomfortable. Fendros started by leaning forward and holding his hands together, leaning his elbows on his knees. "Shortly after I left, what did Monderyn do?" "What? But I thought-" "Please, Llarasa. I need to know." Fendros looked at her directly. Hopefully he would be able to take Meesei's advice. "Well..." Llarasa looked left and right across the floor, "He was worried for about a day, then, before they even found your...well we thought they were your remains. Before that, he flew into a rage. He just stopped listening, equipped himself to go hunting, then ran off. He was furious, nothing we said could stop him. Not even father pursuing him could bring him back. Father only said that he was looking for you. He was gone for about a month. When he came back, he had changed. Every moment he was uttering some kind of hate towards you he took your loss badly, Fendros. He wasn't the only one." Llarasa put her face in her hands and sniffed again. Her composure was on a knife's edge. "What about mother and father? What about you?" "No." Llarasa said simply Fendros, "Just tell me why you left, right now." --- When the rest of the pack had been asked to leave Fendros to his business, Sabine shuffled along with Meesei. She was nervously silent, but once they had found a settled place, Sabine looked to the floor and spoke. "I'm sorry that I got lost. I didn't want to upset you. The crowds are difficult to trace smell in."