Name: Umi Waru Alias: Nightmare Age: 15 Gender: Female Skills/Powers: Umi has the power to create the illusions of ones worst fear. The illusion is only present to the target and is extremely realistic. Equipment: A pair of very warm black gloves, a necklace with a clock pendant Personality: Umi seems extremely timid and doesn't like people in general. She doesn't strive for social activity. However she can be quite strange, violent and neurotic. She enjoys causing evil from the shadows. She loves books and tea. Weakness: Umi is afraid of almost everything. She puts on a front and so she seems like she's just timid but human contact in an unusual environment will shut her down. Other than that she may not be the weakest but she isn't the strongest and is overall average. Hero/Villain: Villain History: Umi grew up in an average family. However due to being unable to control her power and her cripple img fear, Umi was a burden to her family. She couldn't focus in school out of fear of other people. The only thing Umi wasn't afraid of was her necklace. She would often hold it to calm her down. Umi had terrible grades, not because she wasn't smart but simply because she couldn't pay attention. At home Umi would accefentaly subject her family to their worst fears. Her family shut her out and so Umi spent more and more time in alleys away from people. She began to stop thieves who crossed her with her power. It was then at she started to help her city from the shadows, warning her the nickname 'Nightmare'. Umi's outfit simply consisted of black pants blank shirt and her black hoodie. [Appearance:]( ![](/img/ Other: United