Lily lay in her hospital bed, still unconscious. She had suffered with many injuries from the attack she'd undergone, from simple cuts and bruises, to a broken left arm and fingers on her left hand, to a punctured left lung from where a rib had forced it's way into the organ. The young female was hooked up to an oxygen machine, the breathing mask over her mouth and her nose. Face drawn and pale, the young female was dressed in a simple white hospital gown, which enveloped her thin and frail form, as though it were a blanket, not a gown. From her arms trailed tubes and wires, for various medicines to be given, and vitals to be taken from her. She had undergone a head C.T to ensure she suffered no injuries to her brain, and she thankfully hadn't done. Now back in her room, Lily's eyes slowly opened as a groan passed her lips, a nurse turning to face her as she entered the room, moving over to the brunette, a soft smile on her kindly face, eyes warm. "Hello, dear. How are you feeling?" She spoke gently, kneeling down to the female to see if she would lookup at her. Lily's eyes followed her slowly, looking at her face. Lily's voice was muffled by the mask, slow and slurred a little as the female tried to work out where she was, groggy and sore. With a soft smile, the nurse lifted the mask a little. "Slowly, dear... Take a breath when you need to." "M..Morrigan.. I.. I want Morrigan... Now." Lily's lips hardly opened as she spoke, the poor girl in a right state. "Ple..please, call her?" The girl begged, tearful and frightened, looking almost pitiful. The nurse nodded and place the mask on her face, calling in a doctor to check Lily over properly now she was awake. As the doctor did so, the nurse grabbed Lily's notes, dialling the number under "Morrigan Jones" on her papers. "Hello? Morrigan? I'm Eliza Harper, a nurse at Saint Josephs. We have your cousin here, Lily Harrison. She's been attacked.." She begun, standing ready to inform the female of Lily's condition.