Hayato looked up with a start at the other boy, unaware that he'd been overheard. Bashfully, he rubbed the back of his head with one hand and looked aside. "Oh, uh...Well, I'm a Knight specializing in Japanese swordsmanship." He didn't have his weapon on him at the moment, though. Katana and other eastern weapons weren't exactly uncommon among Knights and other Martial Classes, but most of the other Blade Knights he'd seen preferred heavier European style weapons. "So I was thinking I'd either go to the gym and spar or just practice on my own out on the athletics field or something." He finally looked at the other student and, remembering his manners, held out a hand. "I'm Nishimura Hayato...although, uh, I guess my given name should go first. Hayato. Nice to meet you."