> Sort of, but not exactly. More along the lines of your middle paragraph, and Crimson Mode and MidevalDukemon are parallel, not one over the other. I won't be switching freely between them by any means. > > Yeah, they can happen, but they're by no means intentional. It's just the instability of Guilmon make all of those possibilities. In that case, I can understand having the six Megas I described (so long as you do keep to the word of using most of them only once in the RP and only at special plot sections, but I don't think having MedievalGallantmon and Gallantmon Crimson Mode is necessary. They are two different forms on the same level that serve no other practical purpose than simply giving him two different arsenals to battle with. Although now that I think about it, I'm not sure having a corrupted Ultimate is for the best either. I mean...if you get a corrupted Ultimate and then a corrupted Mega...you've fallen into a very predictable character pattern. You get to the point where, even if we didn't know about the corrupted Knight form, everybody would just be waiting for it to inevitably happen. Twice is fine, but three times might be a bit excessive. > Well, that would make sense, but I can't really find a way to justify Megidramon being in any way in any kind of control, hers or anyone else's. It's just there because that's what could happen, but only as a "we effed up" type of situation. Actually, to be honest, two of the forms, Megidramon included, are "Things went bad and now the world is ending" scenarios, but from different angles. And going back to what Fell says...I don't think a corrupted Digivolution is supposed to be in control that much in the first place. In fact, it might actually ADD to the validity and intrigue of the character if she was always, like...a potential hazard bomb. Like if there was a heavy risk to consider even letting her Digivolve in the first place. It could add some very strong moral arguments to be had in character. If SkullGreymon (who I assume is your other "world ending" scenario Digimon, given the lack of control) and Megidramon were your only corrupted Digivolutions )unless you wanted to do the same thing with one of your Mega levels, make them completely out of control like the other two)...I think it might make for a stronger character overall. But then again, you could also still keep ChaosGallantmon. I mean...I just envisioned a time where she Digivolves into that form, which could be stronger than all of the other Knights at the time but is a dark knight. One who perhaps uses her strength once to help, but then thinks the others weak when they call her methods into question and believes that it would be better for her tamer if she was separated from them. Of course, as her energy eventually runs out and she reverts, the personality returns to normal. If you wanted to something like that, where it could add something special rather than simply "he fights dirty now," I feel like that form could be justified as well.