Just as Ahnasha feared, she had nothing she could say. It was difficult to even be a comforting presence for Fendros, given the tension in the air. Llarasa was very understandably distraught, but even more concerning, at least to Ahnasha, was how she said his brother Monderyn took his departure. Unlike Llarasa, he knew the truth, and he was still apparently angry at Fendros. Of course, they still did not have the entire story. It could have been that Monderyn was just angry at the situation and was taking it out on Fendros, or perhaps Fendros did not know enough about his condition at the time to give a good explanation of why he _needed_ to leave. In any case Fendros could at least attempt right now to calm his sister. Whether or not he could actually change anything about his brother would have to wait until later. As for what _exactly_ Fendros should tell her, that was just as difficult. Telling the whole truth would give important context for why he left. Had he not, it would have been very likely that he would have killed one or more of his family members before being killed himself. It would make him seem the least selfish out of any excuse he could make. However, there was no way for Ahnasha to know how Llarasa would take the news of his lycanthropy. Fendros knew her better than she did, so she would just have to trust in his judgement. In any case, she could provide support to whatever story he told. --- As Fendros and Ahnasha went to deal with Llarasa, Meesei stepped into the nearest room they had rented for the night. More stress had been piled onto her than she could have ever anticipated when she woke up that morning. She sat down on the bed and let out an exhausted sigh before Sabine nervously approached. The situation with Fendros' sister had distracted her enough that she had a few moments to calm her emotions and speak to Sabine with a more level head. "What I care about most is that you are safe." Meesei said before reaching out and lifting up her chin to look her in the eye. Meesei's expression was serious, and her voice firm, but not angered. "But do not run off again, not in a city, not yet. It takes time to learn to navigate these places, and there are plenty of people out there who might trick or otherwise hurt you. If you are lost, guards may help you, but even some of those are corrupt. I forgive you, Sabine, but if it happens again, I will not just let it go. Understood?" Meesei's own fears aside, she understood that Sabine was, and very well should be, becoming more independent. She was quickly becoming an adult woman, but right now, she was still dangerously inexperienced. Her childhood had already disadvantaged her, and she needed to be eased into responsibility. If given too much as once, she could very well end up hurt, or worse.