Kali tried to gather her thoughts, doing her best to keep focused since the heals were important. She watched him continue dodging hits from the spider which she had to admit was impressive. It looked almost like he had been studying an martial art by the way he moved. Kali simply smiled when she saw him glance over at her, she wasn't too sure over what he was thinking about but she hoped he wasn't having second thoughts about this. Soon enough his mana went down as he begun his attacks, Kali lifted her staff up to heal him. His words only brought a smile to her. She was confident as her previous level up had given her a lot more mana and her regeneration had increased by 0.5. "You've got nothing to worry about." She assured before performing yet another cleanse to remove the poison effects off him. Kali watched from the sidelines everything had seemed to be going according to plan until the spider boss had reached half hp. Spewing out a web it pulled itself off the ground and lifted itself back to the ceiling. Staring up with confusion Kali tilted her head wondering what was going on. It then occurred to her that bosses has special skill sets, unlike the smaller ones they were capable of more of course since this was her first boss she had forgotten about this. Seconds later something shot out from the ceiling spewing out in every direction. It had latched onto her and pulled her in and she found herself crashing into Alakai's back. Kali heard rumbling before the spider descended landing just in front of her dealing heavy aoe damage. Kali cried out from the pain, it had easily taken a half of her life. Her body ached and grew heavy and she felt fatigue, quickly she stood stumbling as she tried to balance herself. The moment she had she backed up and healed both him and her knowing they would be in trouble if it did that again or had any other moves. "We need to be careful the lower it gets the more likely he'll use a special attack." She cried out.