(Here's more of a mid-level character. Samantha needs some more updating before i post her.) Name: Leonardo Proudmane Age: 32 Gender: Male Race: Anthromal Alliance: Whiel Cattan Appearance: He’s a humanoid lion. He stands 8 foot tall and has a broad, muscular build. His hands are like those of a human (but furry and clawed), while his feet are actual lion’s paws, with four toes and soft pads on the bottom. He tends to wear clothing like in the first image below. His pants always have a hole in the back for his tail to stick out of. [The right one]( http://anime.astronerdboy.com/wp-content/uploads/blogger/_abkMP58OLUA/S2GPmwsYatI/AAAAAAAASF4/cRFKKKB4xFM/s1600/x6%2BDarius%2Band%2BHeinkel.jpg) [Someone’s in trouble]( http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/fma/images/9/9b/Heinkel_Quimera.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131124150925&path-prefix=es) Personality: He acts proud and aggressive as a lion, but below the surface he’s sly as a cat and more intelligent than the average human. He’s very courageous, but also knows when backing out of a fight is for the best. His only real fear is of canines, though he’ll go to great lengths to deny it. Powers: Although Leonardo has no super powers, he can compete thanks to his sheer physical prowess. After the anthromal project succeeded at combining animalistic abilities with human intellect, the scientists who created them took it a step further by creating creatures even more powerful than the sum of their parts. Leonardo is one of the successful results, and he has the following abilities to show for it: Physical prowess – He has the physiology of a lion, empowered even further by genetic modification. He can sprint at the speed of a car on all fours and is strong enough to lift a car above his head. His speed is cut significantly when bipedal, but still faster than an unenhanced human could hope to reach. He has moderate resistance to blunt force attacks, but sharp weapons can pierce his skin as easy as any lion’s (or human’s for that matter). Sharp senses – While his eyes are no sharper than a human’s, they’re more suited to tracking high-speed movement. He also has excellent night vision, capable of seeing perfectly well in a room that would be pitch black to a human. His hearing is slightly more sensitive than a human’s and he can rotate his ears to more effectively track a sound. Lastly, he has a great sense of smell, not quite to the level of a dog, but good enough to track prey from a considerable distance. Lion’s roar – Exactly what it says on the tin: he can roar incredibly loudly. There’s no mystical properties to it, but it can be heard from over six miles away and can very well cause permanent hearing damage to those standing too close. He himself is of course unharmed by it. Equipment: His clothing, as shown in his first image, is laced with Kevlar to provide protection from firearms. Because there are no hard components to it, the force of the bullet still comes through like the force of a punch, but it won’t penetrate, unless of course it’s an armour-piercing round. The whole outfit is designed not to get in the way when running on all fours.