![enter image description here](http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/342/2/9/black_valkyrie_by_streetx222-d6x9q55.jpg "enter image title here") **Eleni 'The Black Spear' Voshrem** **Human(Amazon)** **Female** **Appearance** Eleni is very unlike the rest of Amazon human sub race, carrying ash black hair that is said only one in ten thousand of her people carry that is supposedly a blessing and a curse. And a height on the equivalent to a normal mainland woman, this though only feeds to her legend. Though despite the coming of being a shorter Amazonian woman she still carries the strengths of her race and culture well. Her strength is deceptive as it only shows in her combative skills. Her eyes are ocean blue, in a dead stare almost give an eerily glow. Below her eyes is the mark of her station before banishment, tattoo's symbolizing her rank as a queens guard to the Empress. Also not physically endowed as the most, but figures the lack of her 'size' gives her more ample opportunity in combat. **Backstory** Eleni wasn't even born on the main contents of Avalad and other such cities, born and raised into a culture that few ever see and even fewer know how to get there. Raised among the elite of society, her status was that of the inner circle of royalty. Working closely in unison with the Empress for the betterment of Island kingdom. Her father was estranged acting a merchant to the main lands never really much in her life, but a strong mother figure who was one of five sworn Black Spears to protect the empress at all time. A position in life that rarely came to any such woman. Considering in lore and legend that the black haired maidens though rare possess abilities far beyond that of her normal kin, so only such women were allotted that position. In her youth she'd been trained since she could walk, from the bow, to the spear and as a shipwright who could traverse the most wicked of storms. For when she grew and on her twentieth birthday she'd surpass her mother and one of the Black Spears. Growing up with the next Empress`in line the throne, becoming die hard friends. At the age of eighteen the both competed in the warriors tourney, to show case skill and strength. The duo left last and couldn't best each other so, how were they supposed to settle the despiute? Easy an arm wrestling match, Eleni was the stronger but conceded to the fact her friend would be the Empress one day and let her win to show case her strength to the people. Years latter after being anointed as a Black Spear, her skills had improved as a whole new level of training was brought to light as a Black Spear. More rigorous but one needed to protect the Empress, in its wake leaving a woman vastly superior than the previous shell. Life seemed to go exceedingly well in her station, but had constantly trained to better herself. She wanted to become a legend a living legend though one that lived so all could bask in her brilliance. One night during her supper Eleni was arrested under the suspicion of Queen Slaying. A false accusation and everyone knew it. Brought before her best friend and new empress, is was clear that the empress's husband was calling the shot threw the empress's voice. Eleni didn't speak for the longest of times until she was about to be taken away. Invoking banishment by truth. Banishing herself at the cost of the truth and when it was revealed, her banishment was permanent until the late empress's death was solved. Bringing in the Judicators to find the truth, willingly leaving under guarded escort. Taking only her spear and bow and set sailed to the worlds beyond. As luck would have she traveled on her fathers boat, sparing a few coins for her new start and told her the a mercenary group was hiring recruits. She'd swallow the pride she had gained in life due to a position only dreamer by others. Departing from the docks to where the recruits were meeting. **Skills** A deadly efficient two hand spear wielder with only flashing glimpses of the leaf of the blade, saying to be as swift as light. Deadly and supremely accurate shot with the small composite bow. Good at shooting length but in close quarters and in repetition is where her skill with the bow shines most bright. Having yet to test it with the elves of the world. Because of drilled training over constant years, has developed a strength and hand eye coordination that is said to be almost inhuman for smaller physique. Has become an accomplished alchemist growing better by the week. **Magic/magical abilities** Not an accomplished magic user but can invoke her arrows and spear with elements. Sometimes with an explosive charge. Though she can enhance both her speed, strength and hand eye coordination for pre ordained intervals of time. Enough to give her an upper hand in the fight. And can split her arrows into three smaller variations. **Equipment** Black double ended spear, made of a rare substance that gives it an exceedingly light weight. Strong and durable, a symbol of her status before banishment. A white wood composite bow, designed for closer combat bow use, backing the punch of what crossbow would deliver. Light Black steel armor, that allows both protection and maneuverability. **Extra items** Carries three vials of a half red, half blue solution called tears of the gods. A substance that can invoke a near bloodlust like phase. **Other** I will wear the band. But I do not like orders by men. (New character updated . Yayyy)