....I'm gonna re-quote things Digizel already said because I can add nothing that wasn't already said: >Although now that I think about it, I'm not sure having a corrupted Ultimate is for the best either. I mean...if you get a corrupted Ultimate and then a corrupted Mega...you've fallen into a very predictable character pattern. You get to the point where, even if we didn't know about the corrupted Knight form, everybody would just be waiting for it to inevitably happen. Twice is fine, but three times might be a bit excessive. >I don't think a corrupted Digivolution is supposed to be in control that much in the first place. In fact, it might actually ADD to the validity and intrigue of the character if she was always, like...a potential hazard bomb. Like if there was a heavy risk to consider even letting her Digivolve in the first place.