Aeon scowled as she used her flame construct to create a round shaped flame, a burning timer appeared above her sphere of conflagration, it was an explosive. She hurled the explosive at the apartment building, leaving it in a ruthless inferno. She looked over at Jester, who she presumed was going to go steal from someone, see if he can make some shady deals. Aeon created an intense flame armor around her, she practically leaped into the building, the flames not touching her because of her armor. She could hear distinct sirens in the background, _Gotta do this quickly.._ She sped towards Apt 5-B, the person who had attempted to scam her and Jester. She burst through the door and saw him trying to pat out the fire. She made the fire on his clothes shoot spikes of flame into him. She started to loot the Apt. building before the cops and firefighters made it, she would be a goner if they showed up. She found his stash of money under the bed, she retracted her left hand armor to grab it without it burning. She rapidly followed her footsteps at the door and ran into an alleyway, she extinguished her armor and started looking through the loot bag.