Jester loved when the cops came, they would try their hardest to capture him but they could never manage it. Each time they would scream at him to "PUT YOUR HANDS UP" or "GET DOWN ON THE GROUND". Then would come the gun fire raining down upon him like a hail steel, each bullet reflected back; they would scream in fear and pain as their own ammunition was put to use against them. Who knows how many families ruined, how many wives waited for their husbands to come home, how many sons and daughters waited for daddy to come through the door. It sickened Jester, all the little worms relying on someone else to help them unable to do anything for themselves. Jester strolled into the decrepit alley, a pungent odor of rotting food and mold hung in the air. Jester walked down the long alley way trying to find Aeon, in his mind he was thinking of all the things he would do to her if she took the loot for herself. But as he was about leave he saw a flicker of light, a flame.