Before the other student he'd met could introduce himself, someone else overheard their conversation. Hayato looked over at the girl who'd offered to spar, his ego prickling a bit as she talked about "fancy Japanese swords" with more than a hint of disdain. "You're pretty forward, huh?" he said. He thought he'd seen her somewhere before...wasn't she fairly popular, one of the "good at everything" kids? He frowned slightly. She probably had the skills to back up her boasts, then. But... "I guess it can't be helped, then." He shrugged, before looking at Joe. "Sorry that we got interrupted, let's talk again sometime." He somehow got a sense of camaraderie from the other boy, like they were similar in some aspect at their core. Then he looked at Hazel, eyes full of determination. "I'm Hayato Nishimura, kendo practitioner of the Red Crown Sword style. I'll accept your challenge." The walk to the gym was a short one, or at least it seemed that way to Hayato, whose shoulders were stiff as he led the haughty girl through the halls; not to guide her, but because he didn't want to give an indication of weakness by following her instead. It was a modern, almost boring sort of building from the outside, a square of white walls with gray and blue accents from hints of steel and the rows of square glass windows. Inside, however, were several floors of training areas and equipment all of the latest and greatest brands. Their destination was the first floor, the Combat Training area. It was a lot like a typical school's gym, with stands on either side and a hardwood floor, but rather than the markings of a basketball court, it was instead divided into four squares each about twenty square feet, roughly the same size as a boxing ring. Hayato stepped to the edge of one of the squares, a sensor in the floor detecting him. A holographic screen flickered into life in front of him. He typed in his name, student ID, all the necessary red tape, and picked one of the sparring options on the glowing, pseudo-tangible touch screen. "I've got it set for wooden spar, if that's alright." He said to Hazel. Two posts rose from opposite corners in the ring. "You'll probably want to tell it what kind of weapon you use, though." He walked over to the furthest post and put his hand on top of it. There was a beep, and the rest of the post rotated under his palm until a section blinked with a green light. A door opened up, revealing a wooden katana propped up inside the chamber. He took it, and assumed a kendo stance facing Hazel, his eyes once more determined. "Whenever you're ready."