**GDTRP Franchise Lists** The list of franchises currently owned by players [REAL LIFE FRANCHISES]: [Note, a player may only claim 5, after that you can trade, sell, etc to get more franchises, depending on how many sales and good reviews a franchise gets, it may be worth two franchises or more! Basically a franchise worth more than others, this is all player-based. **NOTE you MUST follow these regulations for real life franchises and games based off of others!** 1. The more original a game is (and not belonging to a real life franchise) the higher the score it gets, do NOT Carbon Copy the name or the details, change it up a bit, Plot, different items, etc will make the difference. 2. Be CREATIVE! A follow-up of Rule #1. Make up your own stuff, the main thing about reserving real life franchises is the Gameplay it keeps and the theme of it perhaps. 3. You may NOT create a game of someone else's/unclaimed franchise (co-developing is allowed, don't worry) but you can keep the gameplay of it, if you change it up a bit. --- **GDTRP Session 1 List** The list of franchises currently owned by players [REAL LIFE FRANCHISES]: [Note, a player may only claim 5, after that you can trade, sell, etc to get more franchises, depending on how many sales and good reviews a franchise gets, it may be worth two franchises or more! Basically a franchise worth more than others, this is all player-based! --- DiamondBlizzard's Franchises: Assassin's Creed, Touhou, Super Smash Bros, Street Fighter SimYouLater's Franchises: Sonic, SimCity, The Sims/GTA, Trainz, Spore/Star Citizen Brink_'s Franchises: Anno, Bioshock, Grand Theft Auto, Infamous, Portal TheDookieNut's Franchises: Pokemon, Tekken, Resident Evil, The Last of Us Durandal's Franchises: Civilization, Age of Empires, Mount & Blade, Fable --- The list of franchises owned by NPCs: N/A --- **Non-claimed Franchises** Command & Conquer: Crusader Kings: Europa Universalis: Fallout: Call of Duty: Civilization: Faster Than Light: Kirby: Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri: Spore: The Sims/MySims: LEGO: Professor Layton: Super Mario Bros: Legend of Zelda: Megaman: Doom: Metroid: Ace Attorney: Crash Bandicoot: Mortal Kombat: Prince of Persia: EarthBound: Chivalry: Metal Gear Solid: Fire Emblem: Soul Calibur: Raze: Supreme Commander: Left 4 Dead: Monster Hunter: