New interest pairings!!! The ones with the asterisks are the part that I would play. Pairings can be combined to make plots! Teen Guy X **Best friend's girlfriend** **Teen Girl** X Big brother's best friend Older Man X **Younger Woman** Butler X **Master's Daughter** Billionaire Son X **Nanny of younger siblings** **Student** X Exchange Student Jock X **Goth/Nerd** Plot Ideas: *Summer Fling- Our characters meet by chance at an island or beach town while both on vacation and they begin a romance. *Our characters knew each other for a long time but never confessed their true feelings for one another. They meet years later and begin a romance. Any original ideas or if you want to mix up the pairings are welcome. If you PM me, make sure to tell me your favorite chocolate. That's how I'll know you read both posts. No chocolate, no reply. :p