**Roman Training Room** The quick start to the fight threw Jos'arro off guard for a split second, but he recovered in time to block the punch. He stepped back and got into a stance of his own. His legs were spread similarly to the Roman and he was slightly crouched. He looked to some like a cat about to pounce. Then he swept a leg out to the side, falling backwards onto an outstretched hand and sweeping the leg towards those of the Roman. **Docking Bay** General Kaisur stared at the Roman Emperor for a moment before he too kneeled down on one knee and lowered his head. He stayed like this for a second before standing once more. "Well, I can now say I've had the pleasure of meeting two foreign emperors who I didn't have to kill on the battlefield. Forgive me if I don't pay you the same respect your subjects give you. I am interested in this new arrangement though. If your son is coming with me, we will likely be stopping at the Moonlight Castle on our home planet Arcadia. I'm sure my emperor would love to meet you. Of course, you can bring whatever forces you wish to as an escort."