"You were pretty freaked out after that," Sophia told him, not unkindly. "I can't blame you. Couldn't then either. I was just trying to be the calmer of the two of us at the time. Still had to drive, ya know?" At his question of if she had been able to discover anything she shook her head sadly. "I couldn't find out anything at all," she said with a note of disappointment in her voice. "But I still have all the pictures I took! I uploaded them to my laptop so they're in higher resolution. I can grab my laptop and show you." Tim agreed and Sophia went into her room and grabbed her laptop. She came back into the living room and moved her food over some so she could set the laptop on the coffee table. She opened it and then booted it up. Once her laptop was up and running she opened a folder labeled simple as _Cave_ that was saved to her desktop. Double-clicking on the first picture she brought it up to view. "Here," she said handing the laptop to Tim. "I tried to take pictures of everything that was there, but I might have missed some things."