Naranbaatar stood in his tent, for the lorngaradians did not build houses, looking at the map of the known world according to some Okarian scholar from long ago, although his people had come from the south and many more lands were known to them that were not shown on this map. Naranbaatar, his advisors and his generals were dqiscussing what trade routes and or settlements they should raid this month. "We go to the north! They have been untouched by our steel!" Said one "No! We go deeper into Sakura!" said another "Brothers! Let us drop our steel and show our neighbours that we are not savages!" Said yet another who recieved odd looks from the others when he suggested his idea "Enough" said Naranbaatar "You are all dismissed, I cannot make a decision when my advisors are all bickering fools". With guilty looks on their faces, like they were a child being told off by their mother, they walked out of the tent mumbling to themselves. Naranbaatar had managed to narrow his decision to two nations but now the question was, would he attack Sakura or Okari?