Thanks to his rather flashy entrance, despite the looks, no one really tried to approach him when Rian headed towards AcadeMMO. The school grounds were basically unchanged and he took a moment to take it all back in before deciding to try and figure out where he would be dorming for the year. Before he could get started on that task a group of students rushed past him and nearly knocked him over had he not backpedaled quickly. A brief apology was made by one of them before he rushed off to join his compatriots, leaving Rian to wonder. He had only caught a bit of their conversation, but it seemed that the practice arenas were already being put to use on the first day. Shrugging, despite the weight of his bags, he figured it was something that was worth checking out; he’d probably also save the infirmary some work. While it was frowned upon, it was more often than not that students were injured in spars as they pushed themselves and got into the spirit of competition. Given his rather leisurely pace, by the time the doors hissed open for him the match seemed to be over. Glancing down into the arena, it wasn’t too hard to piece together what had happened. Walking up to the railing that separated the stands from the arena floor he made sure his bags were nice and secure, grabbing them with his hands, before he jumped onto the metal bar and then down. “Humph.” Grunting a bit as he bent to absorb the blow, he gave the oldest looking student a small wave and said, **“No need for that. Tell them there’s a Cleric on sight already.”** Turning his attention to the two combatants, Rian did raise an eyebrow as he eyed the shattered practice weapon. _‘Must have really been going at it.’_ He thought, though the opinion was kept to himself as he glanced between the two. **“Either of you want a fix-up?”** Getting consent was relatively important after all, given that he’d seen people flip out over all sorts of reasons. He’d quickly figured out getting permission was simply easier.