Tim clicked through the photos she had on her laptop, the memories of the tunnel rushing back almost instantly. His face lit up as he went through the photos, remembering how excited and interested he was in the runes. "Oh, wow, these are still really neat." He said, smiling and shaking his head in awe as though he were discovering them for the first time again. He clicked through all of them, looking at each individual rune closely, trying to find some sort of similarities between them, which he failed to do for each. After a moment, he put the laptop down on the coffee table in front of him, turning to Sophia. He was visibly excited. "Do you think they have something to do with the crystal hole thingy?" He asked, moving closer. "Oh, that's probably it." Sophia replied. "They all probably revolve around the hole thing. Actually, I think...yeah, I might have a picture of the hole on there in a different folder, here, lemme show you." The two both moved in at the same time, going for the track pad. Sophia got there a moment before Tim did. Tim, however, had his eyes fixated on one of the runes on the screen of the computer, and he absentmindedly put his hand on top of Sophia's. There was a moment of absolute stillness. They both knew what had happened, but neither made a move. Slowly, Tim looked down at his hand. HE noticed that his hand was a bit bigger than hers. It was concealing most of her hand, but her fingertips were still exposed. He felt his cheeks starting to turn red, but he didn't feel embarrassed at all. He didn't feel _horrified_ at all, and it surprised him. Slowly, he turned to look at Sophia. She did the same. The two of them made eye contact, and neither of them said a word. His hand was still on top of hers.