Name: Illian Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Glaciem - Amaritudo Appearance: (Descriptions are preferred, but if you find a picture I'll take it. Just no anime pictures.) Very pale skin, of average human height, dark black hair cut raggedly but not overly short, ice blue eyes. Most telling clothing is a dark blue cloak and hood with runes and symbols threaded into the hems. Underneath which he wears a normal shirt and trousers. Dark blue swirl tribal tattoos go up and down his legs and arms, two horizontal lines of dark blue cross his face across his nose (below the eyes and above the mouth). Personality: Illian is a cheerful individual, quick with a witty remark and usually optimistic, that is with his own people. With people from other races he is untrusting, quiet and more than a little bitter, though one would hope with time this attitude would start to thaw (haha). At the moment though he is prone to brooding and quick to anger, the fate of his sister and tribe weigh heavily upon him though in his brighter moments he allows himself to hope. Character type and traits: (Now you will find a general listing for how many traits you get, both positive and negative, below in a little hide box.) Positive: Survivalist Negative: Foolhardy, Does not get on well with other races, inexperienced Glaciem (Mage Variant): Commander of Ice, A Glaciem is a person gifted with innate magical ability. They can fire iceshards from their hands or freeze a charging mans feet to the ground. What they lack in armour and weapons they make up for it in their ability to turn a fight with just one spell. The dangers that a Glaciem posses to others is very well known, and as such the Glaciem are often looked down upon by those who are afraid. Most people will always glance at them with a mistrustful if not downright hostile look. The Glaciem and the other races have never seen eye to eye, the very beginnings of the Glaciem being a disagreement between them. But magic takes practice, and Glaciem are often some of the most intelligent forces on the ground. A keen ally, and a powerful foe. History: (Give us the basics, a paragraph or two will be sufficient. I want our characters to find out about each other as we would in real life. Put frankly, I want us to learn about each other as we go and allow us to grow our characters as we learn more about them.) Illian was born into the tribe of the mammoth, a great creature of fur and tusks from lands far far away told in the stories of Nix. He has only just began his life and at the paltry age of 23 is seen as something of a youngster among the Glaciem. His tribe were among the poorer of the tribes and as a result Illian has had ample opportunity to learn to use his magic, needing it to hunt and other such mundane survival tasks. Illian had never left the icefields before the day he was chased from them, alone and scared by those that are dead. The first sign that something was not right in the world came the day a wounded outsider came stumbling into camp, suffering from extreme hypothermia and frostbite he kept mumbling "They're coming, they're coming" , the outsider didn't stop, though it was clear to all he could not hope to make it to the other-sides of the icefields unaided, he stumbled through the camp, and right out the other side where he was lost to the blizzard. Illian didn't think much of it, just some outsider mad with cold, but his little sister was terrified, she couldn't sleep at night and spent long hours gazing into the snowstorms. The night before it happened she came to him and gave him a gift, a charm she said, to keep him safe, it was a snow leopards tooth made into a necklace with intricate swirls and patterns etched across the surface. The next day at around noon a horn blew in the camp, calling all those able to arms. The Acies of course were the first ready but soon they were joined by the rest of the Tribe, excluding those too elderly or young to be of use in a fight. There were perhaps 60 men and women gathered, they set out at a jog, chieftan leading, to the outskirts of the camp. From there we could see a group of men approaching perhaps 20 strong, only they didn't seem to be right, at such a distance through snowstorms details were hard to makeout but some of them seemed far to big to be men, and yet others were hunched over and almost crawling along. We spread out, the Acies took the center and the rest of us just hung about in loose groups on the flanks. The chieftan stepped forward ready to greet these newcomers if they were friendly. However as they came closer it became evident that they were not going to be friendly, giant beasts wielding longswords and crawling abominations became clear as they approached and the chieftan fell back into the group of Acies. There was a shouted order and we cast, each person casting their own spell, blocks of ice flew through the air, shards like razor blades, blocks as big as boulders smashing through the undead. The undead group fell quickly under the onslaught and we thought ourselves done. We retreated back to camp and the Chieftan ordered us to ready to move on, it would take us at least two days to ready such and the work begun immediately. That night Illians little sister was more terrified than ever before, she refused to sleep and instead sat watch outside, sitting on the cart that would carry our home and all our possessions onward the next day. He was awoken by a scream, a scream that went straight to his heart, turning it to ice instantly, his sisters scream. He scrambled out of bed and stumbled outside, looking around desperately for where the scream had come from. On the floor by the cart was his sister, a small crouching figure leered over her, rusty dagger in hand. Within a second 4 razor sharp stakes of ice were streaking towards the creature at incredible speed. Around the camp there was the sound of movement and as sleep weary people found themselves set upon by undead monsters, the screams of battle too. The camp was in a dark mood as they traveled on, leaving 6 new graves in their wake, 4 of them the watchmen who had fallen to fast to give a warning, 2 of them killed in their beds as the undead rampaged through the camp. Illians sister however, was alive, if just. She traveled on the healers cart as the old woman tried to save her, it was in Nixs hands now she said. Now it was Illian who couldn't sleep, at night he stood watch for as long as he was able before collapsing into bed for a few hours, completely worn out. The dead came many times and each time in greater number, at first the tribe tried to head towards the area of the grand meet, however soon they were facing bands of 200 undead at once, at night and day. Worn out and tired they turned north, no longer able to face the increasing numbers of undead. At first the Glaciem had held the icefields, the weather gave them the advantage and they were powerful, however numbers told and the never ending procession could not be stopped, though few of the Glaciem were killed, the undead not being able to catch them in the blizzards, they were forced back, until finally there was no more icefields to fall back into. Illian was with his tribe for most of the way but they were set upon in the night and he was separated from the group, his last sight of the tribe, a burning cart fading into the distance with a huge hoard of undead chasing after it. Outside the icefields the world is strange and Illian has not even seen the half of it yet! Since then he has been running every day or so it seems, sometimes there is a fight and he fights with those who will but never have they met success, every time a never ending wall of undead pushes them yet further back and he finds himself running again. Equipment: (Anything that you carry. No detail is needed unless it warrants it. Sword, shield and backpack with supplies? Have them in a simple, bullet point list. A family sword with a special and beautiful design? Best explain how it looks ;) ) Dark blue cloak and hood with runes and sigils threaded into the hem. Bone staff intricately carved with swirling patterns with a shard of never-melting ice set on top. Normal clothes underneath the cloak. Bag of provisions (enough for 3 days without resupply) Snow leopard tooth necklace