With a deep sigh, Fendros bowed his head such that he couldn't see Llarasa at all. He paused for a few seconds and tried to consider how much he should disclose. He could partially lie and say that he couldn't come home because he fell in love with Ahnasha, but that wouldn't be fair, and if she ever discussed the matter with Monderyn, the stories would not line up. On the other hand, he and Llarasa were talking in private from any ears that needn't hear about his condition, but would Llarasa take that well, or even believe it? "Llarasa, I know you can keep a secret, so I'll tell the truth," Fendros raised his eyes to meet hers, "Do you know what Lycanthropy is?" Llarasa blinked, then looked to the ground. She still seemed upset, but was a little puzzled. "That's..." she swallowed hard due to her running nose, "That's like werewolves, isn't it? That beast they they found was a werewolf corpse." Fendros nodded. "Well, that beast that the guards found, it attacked me and I survived. Only just. Not before some of its blood entered my mouth and a wound on my shoulder." Fendros ran a hand over the area where the feral werewolf had raked his body, it still tingled when he thought of the attack. "I don't understand. Are you a werewolf now?" Llarasa asked. "Yes. I don't remember much after the attack, but I was infected very quickly. I became like that beast. Thankfully, when I woke up, a pack helped me. I couldn't return home after that, because I could have turned into the beast at any time and killed someone. I wasn't under control back then. The pack was my only hope for survival. I knew Monderyn wouldn't be satisfied that I was dead unless he saw my corpse, so I left him a letter telling as much as I've said and told him not to tell anyone else." Fendros broke eye contact, "I'm sorry that I've misled you all this time." Llarasa's eyes began to dart around again. "But...we're family. You wouldn't attack us, I know you wouldn't." "What I turn into doesn't discriminate family, Llarasa. At least, not you and the others. If I had returned, I would only have put others or myself at risk." Fendros held his palms out, "I was protecting you, mother, father, and Monderyn-" "You have no idea how much damage you caused, Fendros!" Llarasa burst out before Fendros could finish. "You say you protected us, but you hurt everyone! Mother wept for months at the mere mention of you! Monderyn was angry all the time! Father, father became distant and cold!" She put a hand to her chest as she shouted, "And I had to pick up the pieces! Me! The helpless little sister!" Fendros stopped and straightened, wide eyed. He felt a guilt emerge that he suspected might come, but was still left speechless. She lowered her voice, but her tears were back anew with her quivering voice and tensed face, "Everyone lost a part of themselves when you disappeared, Fendros." She took an abrupt, strained breath in, "It was only a month ago that I felt like we were getting on with our lives." She gestured to Fendros with her palm facing the ceiling while she wiped one eye, "And now you just show up alive out of nowhere and stirred everything up again." She covered both her eyes with the hand that was wiping them. "I should be happy, but it just hurts. It just hurts." Llarasa was bent over and sobbing as hard as she had been before. She couldn't bear to look upon Fendros. At this point, Fendros didn't seem like he was going to cry, but a tear slithered down his cheek involuntarily. He couldn't have imagined how badly his loss would affect the family. Several moments passed where Fendros looked between Ahnasha and Llarasa awkwardly. After it seemed like Llarasa was not going to stop crying, Fendros slowly stood up and seated himself down next to her. He wrapped his arms around his sister for the first time in the better part of a year, leaning his head on her shoulder. It felt almost unfamiliar after so long; his body and mind had changed so drastically that it seemed different. Something seemed to click in Llarasa, however, and eventually her crying slowed and she returned Fendros' hug for a long time. During this time, Fendros was grateful for Ahnasha's presence. She was really the one giving him the bravery to stay around with all this. Although, he felt sorry for her having to witness his and Llarasa's issues without much way to give input. Llarasa kept her eyes closed as she wept, but eventually she was recovered enough to speak again. "Don't leave again, Fendros." Her voice was tired and croaky now, "We missed you." "I wish I could say that I'm coming home, but I can't." Fendros said, still holding onto Llarasa. Llarasa pulled away far enough to open her eyes and look at Fendros in the face. She spoke frantically, but not loudly, "What? But you're in control now, aren't you? If you're not, why are you in a city?" "I am in control now. Much more than before, anyway." "Then come home!" Llarasa squeezed Fendros' arms, "Please!" Fendros sighed again, knowing that the next part would be less believable. "My pack has been a family to me ever since they found me. I'm bound to them. Not only that," Fendros looked at Ahnasha, "Llarasa, I want you to meet Ahnasha properly. She is my partner. Little Rhazii is my son." "...Oh," Llarasa didn't seem angry, upset, disappointed, hateful or anything particularly negative. Her face just formed into a perfect O and remained that way, staring at Ahnasha. It was something that was so out of the ordinary that she could barely fathom it beyond it being right in front of her eyes. Fendros never had positive things to say about Khajiit from when she knew him. "Um...hello?" Llarasa held out a hand, not knowing what else to do. "It's...nice to meet you..." This was the reaction that Fendros had expected, honestly. Llarasa was always the more open-minded one of the family. She even had Khajiit friends right through childhood and adolescence, which often drew ire from her father and brothers. Fendros managed a small smile to see that she hadn't changed. Fendros hoped that his smile would encourage Ahnasha to engage with his sister. --- "Yes. I understand." Sabine said while nodding her head quickly. She had been scared while lost, and she still felt like she caused Meesei too much stress, but some part of her felt like she was hopeless for not being able to manage on her own. Apart from being upset herself, it made her want to improve so she could find the pack again under such circumstances. "Meesei, in the wilds, there are dangers, and lots of ways to find direction and survive, but cities are different. Can you teach me how to navigate cities?"