> ..what? > > Clouds are like... really, really spread out water, really really high. Little shards of raining ice spikes would be better. They'd have to cover up their heads or risk getting those little things in them, leaving them occupied with one arm, and perhaps unable to block from the front. > > You couldn't get very far with a big block of ice. > > Wait, sorry, I'm too much of a thinker. ignore me They're actually really really spread out ice when in cloud form, but there is actually a lot of H2O , it's just spread out, think how much it can rain and then imagine all that at once and in ice form (which is less dense = larger volume(physics degree really paying for itself here)). Google: how much water is in a cloud >This is perhaps a better question than how much rain a cloud can hold. Scientists estimate that one inch of rain falling over an area of one >square mile is equal to 17.4 million gallons of water. That much water would weigh 143 million pounds!8 Mar 2012